Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



NOVEMBER 7, 2006


Question 1:
(Amends Article XII - Public Works)

The Board of Public Works may not approve the sale, transfer, exchange, grant or other permanent disposition of any state-owned outdoor recreation, open space, conservation, preservation, forest, or park land without the express approval of the General Assembly or of a committee that the General Assembly designates by statute, resolution or rule.

For Against
Allegany Co. 14,791 2,977
Anne Arundel Co. 143,589 27,243
Baltimore City 112,842 20,721
Baltimore Co. 209,853 43,488
Calvert Co. 22,632 3,689
Caroline Co. 6,586 1,421
Carroll Co. 45,706 10,798
Cecil Co. 22,380 3,840
Charles Co. 27,733 4,819
Dorchester Co. 7,528 1,649
Frederick Co. 57,110 9,233
Garrett Co. 6,910 1,563
Harford Co. 70,754 12,318
Howard Co. 83,031 12,143
Kent Co. 5,680 1,110
Montgomery Co. 244,647 33,136
Prince George's Co. 161,274 29,032
Queen Anne's Co. 13,576 2,554
St. Mary's Co. 21,853 3,592
Somerset Co. 4,557 1,091
Talbot Co. 11,510 2,305
Washington Co. 30,604 5,768
Wicomico Co. 21,578 4,158
Worcester Co. 15,232 2,540
TOTAL 1,361,956 241,188
% of Total % %

Question 2:
(Amends Article IV - Judiciary Department)

Allows appeals to the Court of Special Appeals from a decision by an in banc circuit court.

This constitutional amendment establishes the right of a party who did not request in banc review by the circuit court to appeal an adverse decision by the in banc court to the State's intermediate appellate court, the Court of Special Appeals. The amendment provides that a party in a circuit court trial conducted by less than three circuit court judges is eligible for in banc review. The amendment establishes that three judges of a circuit court constitute a circuit court in banc. The amendment repeals the authority of the circuit courts to regulate the rules governing in banc circuit court appeals, and establishes that the Maryland Rules are to provide the procedure for such appeals. The amendment also eliminates obsolete language pertaining to writs of error from this provision of the Constitution.

For Against
Allegany Co. 11,222 3,576
Anne Arundel Co. 114,576 35,037
Baltimore City 94,996 24,387
Baltimore Co. 162,160 55,833
Calvert Co. 17,409 5,497
Caroline Co. 5,091 1,796
Carroll Co. 33,242 13,435
Cecil Co. 16,612 6,219
Charles Co. 23,822 8,240
Dorchester Co. 6,012 1,897
Frederick Co. 41,993 12,976
Garrett Co. 5,031 1,989
Harford Co. 53,738 18,805
Howard Co. 64,941 15,803
Kent Co. 4,259 1,319
Montgomery Co. 204,219 38,716
Prince George's Co. 140,263 36,110
Queen Anne's Co. 10,188 3,388
St. Mary's Co. 17,261 4,967
Somerset Co. 3,476 1,456
Talbot Co. 8,882 2,798
Washington Co. 22,359 7,876
Wicomico Co. 16,818 5,500
Worcester Co. 12,290 3,582
TOTAL 1,090,860 311,202
% of Total % %

Question 3:
(Amends the Declaration of Rights, Article 5)

Authorizes the enactment of legislation that limits the right to trial by jury in civil proceedings to those proceedings in which the amount in controversy exceeds $10,000.

For Against
Allegany Co. 10,685 5,839
Anne Arundel Co. 112,018 52,225
Baltimore City 85,813 43,222
Baltimore Co. 161,897 80,086
Calvert Co. 16,889 8,768
Caroline Co. 4,847 2,758
Carroll Co. 33,927 19,075
Cecil Co. 15,503 9,560
Charles Co. 21,379 13,905
Dorchester Co. 5,800 2,898
Frederick Co. 40,348 22,114
Garrett Co. 4,967 2,813
Harford Co. 52,100 27,759
Howard Co. 62,626 29,015
Kent Co. 4,230 2,128
Montgomery Co. 189,723 76,674
Prince George's Co. 120,049 65,261
Queen Anne's Co. 10,242 5,071
St. Mary's Co. 15,654 8,606
Somerset Co. 3,370 2,034
Talbot Co. 9,046 4,070
Washington Co. 22,205 11,701
Wicomico Co. 16,143 8,296
Worcester Co. 11,788 5,531
TOTAL 1,031,249 509,409
% of Total % %


Question 4:
(Amends Election Law 2-102, 2-103, 2-202, 2-202.1, 2-206, 2-301, 2-303, 3-501, 10-302)

Special Note: Provisions of this legislation would have amended prior legislation providing an early voting option to voters in primary and general elections. The early voting provisions of this legislation have been declared unconstitutional by court action; the remaining provisions of House Bill 1368 that are subject to this referendum are summarized below.

Requires power and duties assigned to the State Board of Elections to be exercised in accordance with an affirmative vote by a supermajority of the members of the State Board; requires local boards of elections to establish new precincts to serve certain higher educational institutions; requires local boards to adopt regulations concerning voter registration and to allow public notice and comment concerning proposed changes in precinct boundaries; requires local boards of elections to make public reports concerning deletion of individuals from the voter registry and concerning the number of voter registration applications received; authorizes the State Elections administrator to take specified actions to ensure compliance with State elections laws by local election boards and personnel, requires that certain provisions of this legislation apply only to certain jurisdictions and will remain effective until June 30, 2008; requires all polling places to be equipped with computers containing a record of all registered voters in the county.

For Against
Allegany Co. 10,322 4,433
Anne Arundel Co. 97,497 53,965
Baltimore City 95,343 26,717
Baltimore Co. 157,532 66,832
Calvert Co. 16,322 7,464
Caroline Co. 4,442 2,494
Carroll Co. 28,529 18,925
Cecil Co. 15,716 7,579
Charles Co. 23,483 9,772
Dorchester Co. 5,530 2,390
Frederick Co. 38,182 17,917
Garrett Co. 4,557 2,529
Harford Co. 50,134 24,932
Howard Co. 57,286 24,058
Kent Co. 3,711 1,960
Montgomery Co. 173,692 66,684
Prince George's Co. 135,933 39,098
Queen Anne's Co. 8,615 5,093
St. Mary's Co. 16,125 6,686
Somerset Co. 3,379 1,711
Talbot Co. 7,450 4,330
Washington Co. 19,981 10,621
Wicomico Co. 15,455 6,935
Worcester Co. 11,109 5,081
TOTAL 1,000,325 418,206
% of Total % %

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