STATE COORDINATING COUNCILChosen by Party members in June, 1-year terms:
Hunt Hobbs, Co-Chair
Virginia Rodino, Co-Chair
Vacancy, Secretary
Vincent Tola, Treasurer
Bill Barry, Membership Co-Coordinator
Terms expire 2018.
National Committee members: Margaret Flowers; Timothy Willard. Alternates: Nacny Wallace; Ryan Sullivan.
P. O. Box 23018, Baltimore, MD 21203
(410) 691-3204
e-mail: marylandgreens@gmail.com
web: www.mdgreens.org
The governing body of the Maryland Green Party is the State Coordinating Council. The Council works through committees to implement policies established by the members at the annual Maryland Green Party Assembly. At the Assembly each Spring, officers are elected by the membership.
The Maryland Green Party first was recognized by the State Board of Elections on August 17, 2000. In December 2002, the Party was recertified, having submitted a valid petition to the State Board of Elections, and retained recognition in January 2007. The Party recognition continued through December 2010, and remained active while undergoing the recertification process. In March 2011, however, the State Board of Elections determined that many of the signatures submitted by the Party were invalid and recognition was denied. The Party sued and remained active until May 2012 when the Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the State Board of Elections (Court of appeals, Maryland State Board of Elections v. Libertarian Party of Maryland, et. al., no. 79-11, May 21, 2012). By August 6, 2012, the Party had presented additional signatures to the Board, and on August 27, 2012, the Board found that the Green Party had collected enough valid petition signatures to be placed on the November 2012 ballot.
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