Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



Paul C. Smedberg, Chair (chosen by Board in Jan., 1-year term), 2020
Stephanie Gidigbi, 1st Vice-Chair (chosen by Board in Jan.), 2020
Michael F. Goldman, Esq., 2nd Vice-Chair (chosen by Board in Jan.), 2020

Appointed by Washington Suburban Transit Commission: Clarence Crawford, 2019; Michael F. Goldman, Esq., 2021. Alternates: Kathryn H. Porter, 2017; Thomas H. Graham, 2022.

Appointed by Northern Virginia Transportation Commission in Jan.: Paul C. Smedberg, 2020; Matthew F. LeTourneau, 2021. Alternates: Catherine M. Hudgins, 2021; one vacancy.

Appointed by District of Columbia City Council: Stephanie Gidigbi; one vacancy. Alternates: Thomas J. Bulger; Jeff Marootian, 2018.

Appointed by U.S. Secretary of Transportation: David B. Horner, Esq., 2019; Steve McMillin, 2020. Alternates: Anthony E. Costa, 2020; David Rouse, 2020.

Paul J. Wiedefeld, General Manager & Chief Executive Officer

600 Fifth St., NW, Washington, DC 20001
(202) 962-1234
(202) 637-7000 (Metro bus & rail information)
(202) 637-1328 (customer relations)

Report (with Maryland Dept. of Transportation) to Maryland General Assembly budget committees on budget deficit due 30 days after FY2011 budget is finalized (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 49).

Report (with Maryland Dept. of Disabilities & Dept. of Transportation) to Maryland General Assembly budget committees on plan for inclusion of Authority's measures in Department of Disabilities Managing for Results submission, Sept. 1, 2010 (Joint Chairmen's Report, 2010, p. 10).

Report (with Dept. of Transportation & Maryland Transit Administration) to Senate President, House Speaker, Senate Education, Health & Environmental Affairs Committee, & House Environmental Matters Committee on program to place recycling bins at transit stations due Dec. 1, 2011 (Chapter 134, Acts of 2011).

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority was created by interstate compact of the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the District of Columbia with the consent of Congress. Maryland ratified the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Regulation Compact in 1965 (Chapter 869, Acts of 1965; Code Transportation Article, sec. 10-204). The Authority was formed to plan, finance, develop, and operate a balanced regional transportation system for the national capital area. The Authority also maintains a regular police force to protect patrons, personnel, and property.

Formerly. the Tri-State Oversight Committee served as the safety oversight agency for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. In October 2015, however, the Federal Transit Administration also began to oversee the Metro subway, making Metro the first U.S. subway system to be overseen directly for safety by a federal agency. Following the federal certification process in March 2019, the Washington Metrorail Safety Commission became the safety oversight agency for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.

An eight-member Board of Directors (& eight alternate directors) governs the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. To the Board, each Compact signatory appoints two members and two alternates. The U.S. Secretary of Transportation also appoints two members and two alternates. Formerly, these were chosen by the Administrator of the federal General Services Administration (Public Law 111-62). Board members and alternates serve terms coterminous with their service as members of their appointing bodies (Code Transportation Article, secs. 10-202 through 10-204).

Assisting the Board of Directors are two advisory bodies: the Accessibility Advisory Committee, and the Riders' Advisory Council.

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