Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Charles F. Mades, Sheriff, Washington County, Maryland] CHARLES F. MADES
Sheriff (Democrat), 1986-2006

Sheriff, Washington County, November 1986 to December 2006.

Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Washington County, 2004-06. Member, Administration of Justice Advisory Committee, Hagerstown Community College. Board of Directors, Narcotics Task Force, Washington County. Member, Transportation Advisory Committee, Washington County.

Member, Maryland Juvenile Justice Advisory Council, 1990-93; Commission on the Future of Maryland Courts, 1995-96. Vice-Chair, Police Training Commission, 1999-2003. Former member, Correctional Training Commission.

Born in Washington DC, May 15, 1940. President, Maryland Sheriffs' Association (member, 1986; treasurer, 1990-98). Member, National Sheriffs' Association; Maryland Sheriffs' Institute (president, 1999-2000); Maryland Chiefs of Police Association; Maryland Correctional Administrators Association; American Jail Association; F.B.I. National Academy Association. Member, Maryland State Police Alumni Association; Fraternal Order of Police. Advisory Board, Salvation Army. Board of Directors, Child Advocacy Center, Friends of Safe Place (treasurer, 2003). Former member, Board of Directors, Maryland State Sheriffs' Youth Ranch; Board of Directors, Shining Tree Children's Home, Hagerstown. Member, Hagerstown Elks Lodge no. 378.

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