Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




Elected by Voters to 3-year terms (Constitution of 1776, sec. 42):
1777 Daniel Beall
1777-1779 George Hershey
1779-1781 Alexander Clagett
1781-1783 Henry Stull
1783-1785 John Ott
1785-1788 Adam Ott
1788-1789 David Stull
1789-1793 Henry Shryock
1794-1797 Rezan Davis
1797-1800 John Waggoner
1800-1803 Jacob Schnebly
1803-1806 Nathaniel Rochester (R)
1806-1809 Isaac Stull White (F)
1809-1812 Mathias Shaffner (R)
1812-1815 Henry Sweitzer
1815-1818 Daniel Schnebly (R)
1818-1821 Thomas Post (R)
1821 Jacob Miller
1821-1824 John V. Swearingen
1824 Thomas Post
1824-1827 Alexander Neill
1827-1829 George Swearingen
1829-1830 William Fitzhugh
1830-1833 Christian Newcomer
1833-1836 Daniel Malott
1836-1839 John Newcomer
1839-1842 John Carr
1842-1845 David T. Wilson
1845-1848 Thomas Martin
1848-1851 Daniel South

Elected by Voters to 2-year terms (Constitution of 1851, Art. IV, sec. 20):
1851-1853 Christopher Hilliard
1853-1855 William Logan
1855-1857 Benjamin A. Garlinger
1857-1859 John M. Houck
1859-1861 Edward M. Moberly
1861-1863 Henry Gantz
1863-1865 Samuel Oliver

Elected by Voters to 2-year terms (Constitution of 1864, Art. IV, sec. 49):
1865-1867 Jonathan Newcomer

Elected by Voters to 2-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. IV, sec. 44):
1867-1869 George M. Grove
1869-1871 Daniel White
1871-1873 Robert C. Bamford
1873-1875 Jacob Marker
1875-1877 Peter J. Mayberry
1877-1879 Benjamin F. Reichard
1879-1881 Frederick K. Zeigler (R)
1881-1883 Charles J. Knepper
1883-1885 David Thum
1885-1887 Elias Cost
1887-1889 John H. Gatrell
1889 George G. Solliday
1889-1891 Benjamin F. Newcomer
1891-1893 John N. Brumbaugh
1893-1895 Charles Herbert
1895 Bruce S. Zeller
1895-1897 Charles E. Smith
1897-1899 M. Finley Seibert
1899-1901 Bruce S. Zeller
1901-1903 Samuel P. Angle
1903-1905 Hammond A. Downin
1905-1907 Charles H. Deibert
1907-1909 George W. Earnshaw (R)
1909-1911 Thomas H. Barber (R)
1911-1913 Thomas A. Snively (R)
1913-1915 Otto W. King
1915-1917 Isaac S. Long
1917-1919 Samuel Starliper
1919-1921 Richard Duffey
1921-1923 Scott McClellan Kline
1923-1926 Richard Duffey

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. XVII; added by Chapter 227, Acts of 1922, ratified Nov. 7, 1922):
1926-1930 Scott McClellan Kline
1930-1934 W. Bruce Downin (D)
1934-1938 Max C. Malott (D)
1938-1942 Joseph D. Baker (R)
1942-1946 John B. Huyett (D)

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. IV, sec. 44, amended by Chapter 786, Acts of 1945, ratified Nov. 5, 1946):
1946-1950 Joseph D. Baker (R)
1950-1958 Edward L. Rowland (D)
1958-1974 Charles E. Price (R)
1974 Alonzo R. Hoffman (R)
1974-1978 Francis R. Ford (D)
1978-1986 Glenn L. Bowman
1986-2006 Charles F. Mades (D)
2006- Douglas W. Mullendore (D)

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