Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



Appointed by Attorney General (Chapter 146, Acts of 1817 December session):
1845-1848 John Bozman Kerr (W)
1849-1851 Henry Hollyday Goldsborough (W)
1851 James Lloyd Martin

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1851, Art. V, secs. 1-6):
1851-1860 James Lloyd Martin
1860-1862 Isaac C. W. Powell (D) (arrested May 28, 1862; released Dec. 7, 1862; rearrested 1863)

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1864, Art. V, secs. 7-11):
1865-1867 Isaac C. W. Powell (D)

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. V, secs. 7-12):
1870-1879 Charles Hopper Gibson (D)
1879-1883 J. F. Bateman (D)
1883-1887 William E. Norwood

1891-1895 William E. Stewart
1895-1903 Clayland Mulliken
1903-1909 James Harry Covington (D)
1909-1912 J. Frank Turner (D)
1912-1924 Charles J. Butler
1924-1927 John C. North
1927-1931 Henry Herbert Balch
1931-1939 Oliver S. Mullikin
1939-1947 William Reddie (D)
1947-1954 Harry E. Clark
1954-1963 Henry Powell Turner
1963-1971 John C. North II
1971-1973 William S. Horne (D)
1973-1983 Sidney S. Campen, Jr.
1983-1986 Scott G. Patterson (D)
1986-1989 Phillip Carey Foster (D)
1989- Scott G. Patterson (D)

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