![[photo, Scott G. Patterson, State's Attorney, Talbot County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/ta/images/1198-1-1386b.jpg)
- Office of State's Attorney
20 North West St., Suite One, Easton, MD 21601
(410) 770-8060; fax: (410) 770-8075
e-mail: spatterson@talbgov.org
web: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=states_attorney
State's Attorney, Talbot County, 1983-86, and since 1989.
Assistant State's Attorney, Montgomery County, 1972-75. Special Assistant to Attorney General, 1975. Assistant State's Attorney, Anne Arundel County, 1975-83. Member, State's Attorneys' Coordination Council, 1990-92; State Board of Victim Services, 1990-92; Judicial Liaison Committee, 1992-96. Member, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Talbot County, 2004-; Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2008-14; Court of Appeals Standing Committee on Rules of Practice and Procedure, 2008-15; Governor's Family Violence Council, 2008-; Maryland State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision, 2008-; Task Force to Study Crime Classification and Penalties, 2019-.
University of North Carolina, A.B. (political science), 1968; Washington and Lee University School of Law, J.D., 1971. Law clerk to Judge Irving A. Levine, Montgomery County Circuit Court, 1971-72. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1972. Associate Attorney, Campen & Walsworth, P.A., 1986-92. Associate Attorney, Cowdrey, Thompson & Karsten, P.A., 1992-99. Member, Maryland State Bar Association (board of governors, 1997-99, 2001-03, 2005-07, 2009-11, 2013-; judicial selections committee). President, Talbot County Bar Association, 2010-11. Member, Maryland State's Attorneys' Association (board of directors; president, 1993-95, 2007-09; past chair, training committee; past chair, legislative committee). State Director, National District Attorneys Association, 2007-. Vice-President, National District Attorneys Association, 2014-.
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