Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Todd B. Morgan, Board of County Commissioners, St. Mary's County, Maryland] TODD B. MORGAN, Member, Commissioners of St. Mary's County (Republican)

    P. O. Box 653
    Governmental Center, 23115 Leonard Hall Drive (near Route 245)
    Leonardtown, MD 20650 - 0653
    (301) 475-4200, ext. 1357; fax: (301) 475-4935

Member, Commissioners of St. Mary's County, representing District 4, since December 6, 2010 (vice-president, Jan. 2, 2014 to Dec. 9, 2014). Member, Board of Health, St. Mary’s County, 2010-; Southern Maryland Workforce Development Board. Former member, Juvenile Drug Court, St. Mary's County.

Member, Historic St. Mary's City Commission, 2013-. 2nd Vice-Chair, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, 2016, 2020 (member, 2010-; executive board, 2011-; co-chair, 2012; chair, 2015, 2019; 1st vice-chair, 2017). Board of Trustees, Chesapeake Bay Trust, 2016-.

Born in 1956. Susquehanna University, B.S. (business administration); Marshall University, M.B.A. Program management consultant, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) (formerly Eagan, McAllister Associates, Inc.), 1985-. Vice-President, Historic St. Mary's City Foundation, 1996-2010. Leadership Maryland, 2004. President, Southern Maryland Navy Alliance, 2004-10. Member, St. Mary's Republican Club. Past member, St. Mary's County Republican Central Committee. Member, Thomas J. Shyrock Lodge no. 223, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Hollywood, Maryland. Adjunct Assistant Professor, Embry-Riddle University. Past member, Board of Directors, St. Mary's County Chamber of Commerce. Assistant Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America, Troop no. 413. Former coach, youth basketball, St. Mary's County Recreation and Parks. First Republican Man of the Year, 1989. National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, Boy Scouts of America, 2012. Member, Church of the Ascension, Lexington Park, Maryland (finance committee; past member, vestry). Married; three children.

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