![[photo, Sailboats docked on St. Leonard Creek, Calvert County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/cal/images/5458-7-043b.jpg)
P. O. Box 745
15045 Burnt Store Road, Hughesville, MD 20637 - 0745
(301) 274-1922; (301) 870-2520 (Washington, DC area)
web: www.tccsmd.org/
A Southern Maryland scene: Sailboats docked on St. Leonard Creek, Calvert County, Maryland, May 2002. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Chosen by Council in Jan., 1-year term:
Gilbert Obie (B. J.) Bowling III, Esq., Chair
Steven R. Weems, 1st Vice-Chair
Todd B. Morgan, 2nd Vice-Chair
Ellen Flowers-Fields, 3rd Vice-Chair
Legislative members: Debra M. Davis, Esq.; Mark N. Fisher; Matt Morgan.
At Large members: Ellen Flowers-Fields; Helen M. Werneke.
Appointed by Southern Maryland Municipal Association: Joseph W. Norris
Ex officio (nonvoting): Kelly M. Schulz, Secretary of Commerce; Robert S. McCord, Esq., Secretary of Planning.
Terms expire 2021.
Southern Maryland Senate Delegation: John D. (Jack) Bailey; Arthur Ellis; Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr.
Southern Maryland House of Delegates Delegation: Gerald W. (Jerry) Clark; Brian M. Crosby; Debra M. Davis; Mark N. Fisher; Michael A. Jackson; Matt Morgan; Edith J. Patterson; Elizabeth G. (Susie) Proctor; C. T. Wilson.
Board of County Commissioners: Earl F. (Buddy) Hance; Michael R. Hart; Thomas E. (Tim) Hutchins; Kelly D. McConkey; Steven R. Weems.
At-Large: Brian Raines
Nonvoting: Maurice T. Lusby III; Kelly Robertson-Slagle.
Board of County Commissioners: Gilbert Obie (B. J.) Bowling III; Thomasina Proctor (Sina) Coates, Esq.; Reuben B. Collins II; Robert A. Rucci; Amanda M. Stewart.
At-Large: Ellen Flowers-Fields
Nonvoting: Darrell A. Brown; Stephen M. Bunker.
Board of County Commissioners: Eric Scott Colvin; James Randy Guy; Michael L. Hewitt; Todd B. Morgan; John E. O'Connor.
At-Large: Helen M. Werneke
Nonvoting: Christopher Kaselemis; James Howard Thompson.
Formed on December 6, 1964, the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland fosters the economic and social development of the southern Maryland counties (Calvert County, Charles County, & St. Mary's County). In 1965, the Governor recognized the Council as the cooperative planning and development agency for Southern Maryland. The Council was established by statute in 1966 and became a tax-exempt corporation in 1970 (Chapter 586, Acts of 1966; Chapter 573, Acts of 1970). The Council's enabling law was reenacted as State general legislation in 1976 (Chapter 708, Acts of 1976). In 1984, the status of the Council as an independent agency was confirmed (Chapter 373, Acts of 1984).
The Council brings together local, State and federal resources to address issues in economic development; environmental protection; and regional resource management, which includes transportation, utilities, urban growth and development, housing, and public facilities and services. Annually, the Council submits its proposed programs and operating budget for the next fiscal year to the Department of Commerce. At least every four years, the Council reevaluates the General Development Plan for Southern Maryland, following the election of State and local officials (Chapter 36, Acts of 1979).
Thirty-seven members make up the Council. Twenty-nine are voting members, and eight nonvoting (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 13-601 through 13-640).
Appointed by Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland:
Edward Bowling, Chair (1-year term), 2018
Mary Wood, Vice-Chair (1-year term), 2018
Appointed to 1-year terms: Mark N. Fisher, 2018; Steve Walter, 2019.
Appointed to 2-year terms: James D. Blackwell, 2018; Anna Chaney, 2018; Rebecca Seward, 2018; Lucille Walker, 2018; Mary Wood, 2018; Catherine Hamilton, 2019; Janna Howley, 2019; David Paulk, 2019.
Appointed to 4-year terms: Edward Bowling, 2018; William M. Hitte, 2018; John Faber, 2020; Willie Goddard, 2020; four vacancies.
Ex officio (nonvoting): Gilbert Obie (B. J.) Bowling III , Esq., Chair, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland; Joseph Bartenfelder, Secretary of Agriculture; Steven P. Wall, designee of Secretary of Commerce; Craig Beyrouty, Ph.D., Dean, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Maryland, College Park.
Nonvoting: Lisa Barge; Earl F. (Buddy) Hance; Hagner R. Mister; Rachel O’Shea; Jennifer Pettko; Barbara Polito; Martin Proulx; Charles Rice; Kim Rush-Lynch; Donna K. Sasscer; Henry A. (Bud) Virts.
Shelby Watson-Hampton, Director
P. O. Box 745
15045 Burnt Store Road, Hughesville, MD 20637 - 0745
(301) 274-1922, ext. 1
e-mail: info@smadc.com
web: http://tccsmd.org/agriculture/
In 2000, the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission was convened by the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland to stabilize the agricultural enterprises of Southern Maryland, encompassing Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince George's and St. Mary's counties. At that time, the State of Maryland had instituted a voluntary tobacco buy-out program, administered by the Council , to encourage farmers to stop growing tobacco.
The Commission assists farmers in transitioning from tobacco production to alternative crops and agricultural enterprises. With the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, the Commission also has developed and revised the Tobacco Transition and Southern Maryland Strategic Plan for Agriculture.
Twenty-three members constitute the Commission. The Tri-County Council appoints nine members to 4-year terms, and eight members to 2-year terms. Representing specialized agricultural sectors, two members are appointed to one-year terms. Four members serve ex officio.
Staff: Ruth A. Davis (301) 274-1922, ext. 815; e-mail: rdavis@tccsmd.org
Michelle Nicholson, Chair
Kelly Williams, Vice-Chair
Doris J. Cammack-Spencer; Marcia Chase; Maurice Chase; Stacey M. Cook; Alan Crawley; Robin Cullers; Pennie Drinkard; Seth Erlin; Rich Fleming; Michael Ghosh; Larry Greenhill; Marcia Keeth; Christy Lombardi; Edie McGreevy; Suzie Miller; Todd B. Morgan; Maureen Murphy; Michelle Nicholson; Daniel Palliparambil; Cindy Rauner; Mike Scott; Mark Wilding; Stephanie Witte; Therese A. Wolf.
Ex officio: John F. Hartline, Executive Director, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland
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