Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual





Appointed by Secretary in Maryland:
1651 Robert Vaughan
1652-1655 Thomas Hynson
1655-1656 Thomas Hill
1656-1657 Thomas Hynson
1657-1658 William Leeds
1658-1660 John Coursey
1660-1668 Tobias (Tobey) Wells
1668-1669 John Wright
1669-1670 Disborough Bennett
1670-1672 Peter Sayer
1672-1676 Charles Banks
1676-1679 Benjamin Randall
1679 Charles Banks (died c. Aug. 1679)
1679-1687 Elias King
1687-1689 Michael Turbutt (forced out by Protestant Associators)

Appointed by act of Convention:
1689-1692 Michael Miller

Appointed by Secretary in Maryland:
1692-1695 Charles Hynson, Sr.
1695-1699 Simon Wilmer (died Aug. 1699)
1699-1702 John Dowdall
1702-1707 George Lumley
1707-1760 James Smith (died March 1760)
1760-1777 Dennis Dulany

Appointed by County Court Justices (Constitution of 1776, sec. 47):
1777-1781 Ezekiel Forman
1781-1798 Benjamin Chambers
1798-1806 Thomas Worrell
1807-1816 Benjamin Chambers
1816 Richard Ringold
1816-1822 William Scott
1823 Joseph Wickes IV
1823-1827 Thomas Worrell
1827-1849 Joseph Nicholson Gordon (died April 28, 1849)

Appointed by Governor to 7-year term (Chapter 224, Acts of 1836, confirmed by Chapter 160, Acts of 1837):
1849-1851 Joseph Redue


Elected by Voters to 6-year terms (Constitution of 1851, Art. IV, sec. 14):
1851-1857 James Frisby Gordon
1857-1865 Jesse K. Hines (D)

Elected by Voters to 6-year terms (Constitution of 1864, Art. IV, sec. 29):
1865-1867 Jesse K. Hines (D)

Elected by Voters to 6-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. IV, sec. 25):
1867-1873 Jesse K. Hines (D)
1873-1879 David C. Blackiston (D)
1879-1891 Samuel Beck
1891-1897 Samuel G. Fisher
1897-1909 James T. Dixon
1909-1915 Ernest A. Toadvin
1915-1921 A. Parks Rasin
1921-1926 Robert R. Ayres

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. XVII, added by Chapter 227, Acts of 1922, ratified Nov. 7, 1922):
1926-1946 Robert A. Shallcross (D)
1946-1958 W. Henry Gsell (D)

Elected by Voters to 4-year terms (Constitution of 1867, Art. IV, sec. 25, amended by Chapter 99, Acts of 1956, ratified Nov. 6, 1956):
1958-1962 W. Henry Gsell (D)
1962-1990 Earl H. Pinder
Mark L. Mumford (D) (retired April 30, 2020)
2020- Sherise L. Kennard (D) (appointed to replace Mark L. Mumford, who retired)

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