![[photo, Mark L. Mumford, Circuit Court Clerk, Kent County]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/ke/jud/clerks/images/1198-1-10377b.jpg)
Clerk of Circuit Court, Kent County, December 1990 to April 30, 2010. Retired April 30, 2020. Member, Judicial Ethics Committee, 2006-15, Maryland Judicial Conference; Conference of Circuit Court Clerks. Member, Judicial Ethics Committee, Judicial Council, 2015-16.
Born March 16, 1958. Attended Kent County High School, Worton, Maryland; Chesapeake Community College (accounting). Assistant cashier, Peoples Bank of Kent County Maryland, l976-83. Manager, Queen Anne's County Bowling Center, 1983-85. Assistant vice-president, Second National Federal Savings Bank, 1985-90 (former branch manager). Board of Directors, Kent Youth, Inc. (treasurer, 1985-88); Chestertown Tea Party Festival, 1985- (president 1987, 1993). Member, Kent County Chamber of Commerce, 1985-. Board of Directors, Kent County Unit, American Cancer Society, 1988-90 (treasurer, 1989); Crossroads Community Rehabilitation Center for Mentally Ill Adults, 1989-. Member, Chestertown Jaycees, 1981- (president, 1986-87); Chestertown Rotary, 1987- (president, 1991-92). Life Member, Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company, (board of directors, 1989-91). Outstanding Service Award, 1985, 1986, and Affiliate of the Year, 1989, 1990, Kent County Association of REALTORS.
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