![[photo, Paul C. Edwards, Board of County Commissioners, Garrett County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/ga/leg/images/1198-1-07267b.jpg)
- Board of County Commissioners
Frederick A. Thayer III Courthouse, 203 South 4th St., Oakland, MD 21550
(301) 334-8970; fax: (301) 334-5000
Chair, Board of County Commissioners, Garrett County, representing District 2, since December 9, 2014.
Member, Board of Health, Garrett County, 2014-.
Member, Deep Creek Lake Policy and Review Board, 2014-; Maryland Outdoor Recreation Economic Commission, 2018-.
Member, Grantsville Town Council, 1998-2004. Mayor of Grantsville, Maryland, 2005-14.
Member, Tri-County Council for Western Maryland, 2013-14; Task Force to Study a Post-Labor Day Start Date for Maryland Public Schools, 2013-14.
Born in Cumberland, Maryland, October 16, 1975. Attended Northern Garrett High School, Accident, Maryland; Frostburg State University, B.S. (social science), cum laude, 1997; M.Ed. (secondary school administration & supervision), 2005. Director of Secondary Education, Garrett County Public Schools, 2012- (social studies teacher, 1998-2002; department chair, social studies, 2002-08; assistant principal, 2008-12). Board of Directors, Garrett County Municipalities, Inc., 2005-14. President, Allegany/Garrett Chapter, Maryland Municipal League, 2013-14. Board of Directors, Garrett County Economic Development Corporation, 2014-. Fellow, Academy for Excellence in Local Governance, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, College Park, 2016. Founder, Grantsville Revitalization Organization. Board of Directors, Mt. Laurel Medical Center. Member, Career Pathways Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Garrett College. Former member, Board of Directors, Garrett County United Way. Member, Grantsville Lions Club (president, 2005); Sons of the American Legion Post no. 214, Grantsville; Greater Grantsville Business Association; Garrett County Chamber of Commerce. Head Coach, Girls Track, 1998-2002, and Basketball, 1999-2008, Northern Garrett High School. Outstanding American Teacher, National Honor Roll, 2005, 2006. Outstanding High School Educator, Frostburg State University, 2007. Member, St. Paul's United Methodist Church (board of directors; finance committee), Grantsville, Maryland. Married; three daughters.
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