Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual





[photo, City Hall, 100 North Holliday St., Baltimore, Maryland] Within the Office of Mayor, Administration is the responsibility of the Chief of Staff, the Chief of Operations, the Chief of Strategic Alliances, and the Director of Administration.

City Hall, 100 North Holliday St., Baltimore, Maryland, June 2006. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.


    Created in July 2009 in response to the burning death of a dog named Phoenix, the Mayor's Anti-Animal Abuse Task Force was charged with making recommendations on ending animal cruelty and dogfighting in Baltimore. In its final report of July 30, 2010, Task Force recommended creation of a commission to carry on its work.

    In September 2010, the Mayor's Anti-Animal Abuse Advisory Commission was established.

    The COVID-19 Small Business Task Force was created as a public-private partnership in April 2020.

    With the Small Business Assistance Initiative, the Task Force is to provide financial assistance to small businesses, as well as other resources and guidelines, to help businesses reopen, without compromising public health, once the State of Emergency is lifted.

    The Environmental Control Board was created in 1998 to identify and control harmful environmental factors in the City.

    Promoting environmental awareness and enforcement, the Board provides community outreach services, and establishes procedures for issuing and enforcing environmental citations. During hearings and any appeal made regarding violations, the Board provides advice to involved parties (City Code, Article 1, sec. 40).

    The Board consists of thirteen members. Seven are appointed by the Mayor with City Council consent. Six serve ex officio.

    In Baltimore City, the Board of Ethics was established in 1963 (City Charter, Art. VII, sec. 106). Financial disclosure requirements were enacted in 1974. The State Public Ethics Law, enacted in 1979, further required local jurisdictions statewide to enact ethics legislation.

    The Board of Ethics hears allegations of violation of the City’s ethics code. The Board investigates and rules on allegations made against elected City officials and employees for conflicts of interest, problems with financial disclosure, or lobbying misconduct. If evidence of certain violations are found while conducting its investigation, the Board must refer those cases to the appropriate prosecting authority.

    Reporting annually to the Mayor and City Council, the Board recommends legislation, and develops and provides a training course for those subject to the Code. Annually, the Commission also submits a report to the State Ethics Commission, showing City compliance with State law governing the public ethics of local officials with respect to conflicts of interest, financial disclosure, and lobbying (Code General Provisions Article, secs. 5-804 through 5-812).

    Five members constitute the Board of Ethics. Three are appointed to five-year terms by the Mayor, and two serve ex officio. Each year the Board selects a chair from among its members. The Director of Legislative Reference serves as the Executive Director of the Board (City Charter, Art. VII, secs. 105-110; City Code, Art. 8, secs. 1-1 through 9-22).

    In Baltimore City, the Hispanic Commission was authorized by the City Council in 2007.

    The Commission serves as a liaison between the City's Hispanic community and Baltimore City government.

    A local development council is established in each geographic area where a video lottery [slots gambling] facility is located (Chapter 5, Acts of 2007; Chapter 4, Acts of 2007 Special Session; Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1A-31). In Baltimore City, a video lottery facility, called Horseshoe Casino Baltimore, opened on August 26, 2014.

    The Local Development Council advises Baltimore City on the impact of the video lottery facility on the communities in immediate proximity to the facility, and on the needs and priorities of those communities. The Council also makes recommendations to the City regarding the multi-year plans for expenditure of revenue from the facility.

    Appointed by the Mayor in consultation with the City Council, and the senators and delegates who represent communities surrounding the video lottery facility, the Council consists of fifteen members (Code State Government Article, sec. 9-1A-31).

    In December 2016, the Mayor formed the Safe Art Space Task Force to consider how to create safe, affordable places for young artists to live and practice.

The Office of Children and Family Success was created in 2019.

The Office of Equity and Civil Rights originated as the Office of Civil Rights and Wage Enforcement. It reformed under its present name in January 2020.

The Office oversees the Civilian Review Board, the Community Relations Commission, and the Mayor's Commission on Disabilities. The Office reports directly to the Chief of Staff.

    Established in October 1999, the Civilian Review Board assumed duties of the Complaint Evaluation Board under the Police Department. While originally limited to the Police Department, Board jurisdiction expanded in 2000 to cover the City School Police, Housing Authority Police, and the Sheriff's Department. In October 2015, jurisdiction again expanded to include the Baltimore City Watershed Police Force, and the police forces of Baltimore City Community College and Morgan State University (Chapter 130, Acts of 2015).

    The Civilian Review Board reviews Police Department policies, and hears allegations of officer misconduct, such as harassment, excessive force, injury, or abusive language. Thereafter, allegations are investigated by the Internal Affairs Division of the Professional Standards and Accountability Bureau. The Board also may conduct its own investigation simultaneously with the Division. Upon review of the Division's report, the Board may dismiss the complaint for lack of evidence, exonerate the accused, recommend disciplinary action, or request further investigation. Within 30 days of receiving the Division report, the Board is required to submit a full report of its own case findings and recommendations to the appropriate unit head. The Board also submits a biannual report of its actions to the Mayor, the City Council, and the Police Commissioner (Code of Public Local Laws, sec. 16-42).

    Fourteen members comprise the Board and serve three-year terms. With City Council consent, the Mayor appoints one citizen from each of the nine patrol districts to serve on the Board. The American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland, the Fraternal Order of Police, the Baltimore City Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Vanguard Justice Society each appoint one member. The Baltimore City Police Commissioner serves ex officio (Chapters 196, 197, Acts of 1999; Chapter 290, Acts of 2000; Chapter 499, Acts of 2006; Chapter 130, Acts of 2015).


Answering to the Director of Administration are the Department of Human Resources and eleven offices: African-American Male Engagement; Cable and Communications (CHARMTV); Citistat; Constituent Services; Criminal Justice; Immigrant and Multicultural Affairs; Information Technology; Inspector General; Public Affairs; Public Safety; Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Development; Promotion and the Arts; and Strategic Planning and Policy.

The Office of African-American Male Engagement was established by the Mayor in February 2018.

The goal of the Office is to support and expand mentoring and other services to help African-American boys and men avoid falling prey to crime and violence.

Responsible for public safety and criminal justice issues, the Office on Criminal Justice creates and administers programs and strategies designed to reduce crime in Baltimore. Programs aim to reduce gang activity and drug trade, and support prisoner re-entry to the community and juvenile justice reform.

The Office coordinates criminal justice strategies with federal, State and City agencies, community groups, and nonprofit organizations. Managed by the Office, the C-Safe Program and the Operation Crime Watch Program coordinate the work of local neighborhood watch groups and law enforcement.

Management of City staff is overseen by the Department of Human Resources, which develops and implements policies to hire, train, and supervise City employees. Employee and retirement benefits also are overseen by the Department, which sets employee classification and pay. In cases of collective bargaining, the Office of Labor Commissioner determines wages, benefits and work environment standards.

The Mayor and the Civil Service Commission hear and rule on issues related to human resources, and may amend or overturn current policies and procedures. Implementation of decisions is made by the Department (City Charter, Article VII, secs. 96-98).

The Office of Immigrant Affairs was established in 2014 as the Office of Immigrant and Multicultural Affairs in accordance with recommendations of the New Americans Task Force. The Office assumed its present name in 2019.

Digital networking and infrastructure for City government is managed by the Office of Information Technology, which also provides agencies with e-mail service and web access. The Office develops and procures hardware and software for the City, and gives instruction and technical assistance to agencies. For residents, networks managed by the Office allow e-payment of bills to the City by computer or phone.

Advising the Mayor and the Board of Estimates on technology programs and needs of the City, the Office operates the City’s Enterprise Geographic Information Services (EGIS), and the 311 One Call and Dispatch Center. With one phone call, 311 services allow residents to reach a City agency while EGIS coordinates information sharing among City agencies, making available data more efficient and accurate. These services enable residents to easily notify the City of concerns, and allow for quick resolution of problems.

Formerly under Public Safety, Operations, and Citistat, the Office of Inspector General was transferred to the Chief of Staff in September 2012, and to Administration in 2014.

Violations of civil and criminal law, City regulations, or employee standards of conduct by City agencies are investigated by the Office of Inspector General. The Office audits and investigates to detect program weaknesses, contract irregularities, or other institutional problems. Annually, the Office audits procurement by the City, and submits its annual report.

Established in 1977, the Office of Promotion and the Arts formed as the Baltimore Office of Promotion and Tourism. The Office merged with the Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association in 1989, and was renamed the Office of Promotion. The Office assumed its current name in 2002, when it merged with the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on Arts and Culture. In 2004, the Office incorporated as a nonprofit corporation.

Coordinating dozens of art, cultural and sport events for the City, the Office of Promotion and the Arts manages events, such as Artscape; the Baltimore Book Festival; the Baltimore Grand Prix; the Baltimore Farmers’ Market; the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Parade; the Showcase of Nations Ethnic Festivals; and the annual lighting of the Washington Monument. The Office also arranges the Mayor’s town hall meetings, and supervises the Municipal Music License Administration.

The Board of Directors of the Office is composed of ten members.

The Office of Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Development originated as the Office of Minority and Women-Owned Business Development, and adopted its present name in 2017.

Working to improve the success rate of Baltimore’s minority and women-owned private businesses, the Office of Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Development contracts services to companies owned by minorities or women, reducing the City’s procurement needs, and increasing contracts available to qualified contractors. To meet these ends, the Office manages the Minority and Women-Owned Business Development Fund, which, in coordination with City procurement resources, helps the City finance necessary contracts (City Code, Article 5, sec. 28).

The Office oversees the Local Contractor Development Program, the Annual Procurement and Outreach Fair, the Women’s Business Forum, and the Vendor Seminar Series. The Office works in cooperation with government and private agencies and organizations, such as the Small Business Resource Center, the City Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Greater Baltimore Committee.

The Mayor's Office of Sustainable Solutions was founded by the Mayor in 1999 as the Office of Citistat. Formerly, it came under Public Safety, Operations, and Citistat, but transferred to the Chief of Staff in September 2012. It reformed under its present name in 2017.

Sustainable Solutions is a data-driven, performance-based management system to improve the performance and effectiveness of City services and offices. Conducting audits of current data and information, the Office reviews agency performance, polices, and procedures. The Office and agency representatives meet with the Mayor bi-monthly to address the Office's questions, concerns, and recommendations.


Government Relations began as Government and Community Affairs and reformed as Government Relations and Labor in 2014. It was renamed Government Relations in December 2016.

The Deputy Chief for Government Relations and Labor advises the Mayor on matters of government responsiveness to City residents.

Under the Deputy Secretary are two offices: Labor Commissioner, and Neighborhoods.

Created by the City Charter of 1968, the Office of Labor Commissioner was under Public Safety, Operations, and Citistat before being restructured under the Chief of Staff in September 2012. In 2014, it was placed under Government Relations and Labor.

The Office oversees City labor organizations and acts as arbitrator in labor disputes within City government. For the City, the Office conducts collective bargaining, and negotiates union employment matters, including benefits, wages, and working conditions. For those not covered by collective bargaining, these matters are managed by the Department of Human Resources.

The Office provides management training for supervisors. In addition, the Office reviews and makes recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on labor policies and procedures (City Code, Article 12, secs. 1-10).

In 2001, the Office of Neighborhoods was established by the Mayor upon recommendation of the Neighborhood Planning Program Steering Committee, and the Neighborhood Revitalization Transition Team. In 2012, the Office merged with Correspondence and Constituent Services to form the Office of Neighborhoods and Constituent Services. In 2014, the Office returned to its original name.

The Office coordinates and manages interagency and City initiatives related to neighborhood and community planning. To help in these initiatives, the Mayor appoints neighborhood liaisons who communicate with community associations and organizations. These liaisons oversee all Office programs in their assigned areas.


The Department of Finance collects required City and State taxes and levies, issues and maintains lien records, conducts property sales, and adopts rules and standards for City purchases. The Department manages deposits and withdrawals of accounts, and submits a monthly summary of City finances to the Board of Estimates and the Board of Finance. The Department also oversees the financial records of City agencies. Annually, the Department makes a full report of all income, expenses, assets, and liabilities to the Board of Estimates.

To assist the Board of Estimates in formulating the City’s budget and ordinances, the Department annually prepares a preliminary operating budget, which it submits to the Board. The Department implements and enforces actions of the Board of Estimates, and provides the Board with its reports and recommendations (City Charter, Article VII, secs. 5-19).

The Department is assisted by the Board of Finance.

    City debts and collaterals are managed by the Board of Finance. All City loans must be approved by the Board, which issues promissory notes, and selects depositories to be used by the Department of Finance for City payments and funds.

    Five members constitute the Board. Three are appointed to four-year terms by the Mayor with City Council consent. The Mayor and Comptroller serve ex officio. The Mayor serves as president of the Board (City Charter, Article VII, secs. 19-21).

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