Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Jake Shade, Board of County Commissioners, Allegany County] JACOB C. (JAKE) SHADE, President, Board of County Commissioners (Republican)

President, Board of County Commissioners, Allegany County, since January 1, 2016 (member since Dec. 18, 2014).

Member, Board of Education, Allegany County, 2014-; Board of Health, Allegany County, 2014-; Mental Health Advisory Board, Allegany County, 2014-; Social Services Board, Allegany County, 2014-.

Member, Cumberland Area Metropolitan Planning Organization, 2014-; Comptroller's Task Force on Electronic Smoking Devices, 2019-20. Secretary-Treasurer, Tri-County Council for Western Maryland, 2020 (member, 2014-; chair, 2019).

Born in Cumberland, Maryland. Attended Allegany High School, Cumberland, Maryland; University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (government & politics), 2013, M.T.E. (technology entrepreneurship), 2015. Legislative Director for Delegates LeRoy E. Myers, Jr., and Andrew A. Serafini, 2013-14. Member, Allegany County Republican Club, 2008-; Allegany County Republican Central Committee, 2013-15. Member, Cumberland-Allegany County Industrial Foundation, Inc., 2014-; Allegany County Task Force on Child Abuse and Neglect, Inc., 2014-. Member, Queen City Masons Lodge no. 131, Cumberland; Allegany County Chamber of Commerce; Winston Churchill Centre. Republican of the Year, 2011, and Rising Star, 2013, Allegany County Republican Central Committee.

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