![[photo, Worcester County Courthouse, One West Market St., Snow Hill, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/wo/jud/images/buildings/1198-1-08935c.jpg)
For the counties, the Circuit Courts were established to succeed the County Courts in 1851 (Constitution of 1851, Art. IV, secs. 8, 9). The present Baltimore City Circuit Court, however, evolved from a more complex judicial system.
From 1789 to 1816, a court of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery heard criminal cases for Baltimore County (Chapter 1, Acts of November Session 1787; Chapter 50, Acts of 1791; Chapter 57, Acts of 1793). Its jurisdiction was redefined in 1797, 1798, and 1816 to cover a certain urban area set apart from Baltimore County, and it was renamed the Baltimore City Court (Chapter 121, Acts of 1797; Chapter 65, Acts of 1798; Chapter 193, Acts of 1816).
Worcester County Courthouse, One West Market St., Snow Hill, Maryland, June 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Cecilius Calvert statue, Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., Courthouse, Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/31cc/images/i005970a.jpg)
By constitutional amendment, the six courts of the Supreme Bench were consolidated (Chapter 523, Acts of 1980, ratified Nov. 4, 1980). On January 1, 1983, they became the Circuit Court for Baltimore City.
Cecilius Calvert statue (1908), by Albert Weinert, Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., Courthouse (from St. Paul Place), Baltimore, Maryland, January 2001. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Anne Arundel County Courthouse, Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/an/images/1198-1-1064b.jpg)
Anne Arundel County Courthouse, Church Circle, Annapolis, Maryland, April 2005. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Allegany County Courthouse, 30 Washington St., Cumberland, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/al/images/1198-1-1407a.jpg)
As of July 1, 2019, there are 174 Circuit Court judges, with at least one judge for each county and at least four judges for each judicial circuit (Chapter 34, Acts of 2013; Chapter 91, Acts of 2016; Chapter 749, Acts of 2019; Code Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article, sec. 1-503). Unlike other Maryland courts, the Circuit Court has no chief judge. Instead, eight circuit administrative judges perform administrative duties in each of their respective circuits. Appointed by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, circuit administrative judges are aided by county administrative judges. County administrative judges also are designated by the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals after considering the recommendation of the circuit administrative judge, except in the 8th Judicial Circuit (Baltimore City), where the Circuit Administrative Judge has all the powers and duties of a county administrative judge (Maryland Rules, Rule 16-105). Within each circuit, the judge who has served longest on the court is designated chief judge of the circuit (Const., Art. IV, sec. 21).
Allegany County Courthouse, 30 Washington St., Cumberland, Maryland, July 2006. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
![[photo, Cecil County Courthouse, 129 East Main St., Elkton, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/ce/jud/images/1198-1-08681c.jpg)
Cecil County Courthouse, 129 East Main St., Elkton, Maryland, May 2018. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
Circuit Courts are grouped into eight geographical circuits. The first seven circuits each contain two or more counties; the eighth consists of Baltimore City (Const., Art. IV, sec. 19).![[photo, Dorchester County Courthouse, 206 High St., Cambridge, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/do/images/1198-1-1685.jpg)
1st Judicial Circuit (9 judges): Dorchester (1 judge), Somerset (1 judge), Wicomico (4 judges) & Worcester (3 judges) counties
2nd Judicial Circuit (8 judges): Caroline (1 judge), Cecil (4 judges), Kent (1 judge), Queen Anne's (1 judge) & Talbot (1 judge) counties
3rd Judicial Circuit (26 judges): Baltimore County (20 judges) & Harford County (6 judges)
Dorchester County Courthouse, 206 High St., Cambridge, Maryland, January 2007. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
4th Judicial Circuit (8 judges): Allegany (2 judges), Garrett (1 judge) & Washington (6 judges) counties
5th Judicial Circuit (22 judges): Anne Arundel (13 judges), Carroll (4 judges) & Howard (5 judges) counties
6th Judicial Circuit (30 judges): Frederick (6 judges) & Montgomery (24 judges) counties
7th Judicial Circuit (35 judges): Calvert (3 judges), Charles (5 judges), Prince George's (24 judges) & St. Mary's (3 judges) counties
8th Judicial Circuit (35 judges): Baltimore City
c/o Administrative Office of the CourtsMaryland Judicial Center, 580 Taylor Ave., Annapolis, MD 21401
![[photo, Maryland Judicial Center, 187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/33jud/images/1198-1-10328c.jpg)
Maryland Judicial Center, 187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland, February 2020. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
The Conference of Circuit Judges originated as the Conference of Circuit Administrative Judges, which formed on March 14, 1972, by rule of the Court of Appeals (Maryland Rules, Rule 1207). At that time, the Conference was composed solely of the eight administrative judges of the judicial circuits. On November 28, 1978, the Conference reorganized as the Conference of Circuit Judges (Maryland Rules, Rule 16-108).
The Conference consists of sixteen members. Eight are the administrative judges of the eight judicial circuits. From each of the eight judicial circuits, the judges of each circuit elect a fellow judge to represent them at the Conference for a two-year term. The chair is elected by the Conference for a two-year term. The Administrative Office of the Courts serves as secretariat to the Conference.
The Executive Committee of the Conference of Circuit Judges formed in 1998. It consists of the chair and vice-chair of the Conference and such other members as the Conference may designate.
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