Nakita Johnson Reed, Chair (chosen by Governor), 2020Appointed by Governor to 2-year terms: Stuart D. Kaplow, Esq., 2019; Ryan M. Schwabenbauer, 2019; Michael A. Daly, 2020; Cherise Y. Seals, 2020; one vacancy.
Ex officio: vacancy, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Laura Armstrong, designee of Secretary of the Environment; Stephen A. Lauria, designee of Secretary of General Services; Norman C. Wang, designee of Secretary of Housing & Community Development; Brittany E. Slattery, designee of Secretary of Natural Resources; Anne B. Raines, designee of Secretary of Planning; Nelson E. (Eddie) Lukemire, designee of Secretary of Transportation; Christopher H. Russell, designee of Director, Maryland Energy Administration; David Freese, designee of Executive Director, Interagency Commission on School Construction; Mark W. Beck, designee of Chancellor, University System of Maryland.
![[photo, 301 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/15dgs/images/1198-1-10070c.jpg)
c/o Office of Facilities Planning, Design, & Construction
Department of General Services
301 West Preston St., Suite 1405, Baltimore, MD 21201
(410) 767-4163
301 West Preston St., Baltimore, Maryland, October 2019. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.
- Annual Report, 2019
- Annual Report, 2018
- Annual Report, 2017
- Annual Report, 2016
- Annual Report, 2015
- Annual Report, 2014
- Annual Report, 2013
- Annual Report, 2012
- Annual Report, 2011
- Annual Report, 2010
- Annual Report, 2009
- Annual Report, 2008
- Annual Report, 2007
Annual Report to Governor & General Assembly due Nov. 1 (Chapter 116, Acts of 2007).
In June 2007, the Maryland Green Building Council was authorized by the General Assembly (Chapter 116, Acts of 2007). [An earlier Maryland Green "Buildings" Council had convened in 2001-02.]
The Maryland Green Building Council evaluates current high performance building technologies. It recommends what cost-effective green building technologies the State could require to be used in the construction of State facilities and how to expand green building in Maryland. Also, the Council compiles a list of building categories in which green building technologies should not be used.
In June 2018, the Council further was charged with developing guidelines so that new public school buildings may achieve the equivalent of a LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) silver rating without being independently certified (Chapter 14, Acts of 2018; Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 4-809(f)(6)).
In its annual report, the Council recommends an implementation plan for a State higher performance building program.
Of the Council's sixteen members, the Governor appoints six to two-year terms. Ten members serve ex officio (Code State Finance & Procurement Article, sec. 4-809).
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