[photo, Peter Goodwin, President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science] PETER GOODWIN. Ph.D., President

President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, since September 18, 2017.

Member, Commission on Climate Change, 2017- (chair, scientific & technical working group, 2017-). Chair, Scientific Advisory Panel, Baystat Program, 2019-.

DeVlieg Presidential Professor of Ecohydraulics, University of Idaho, 2001-17. Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Idaho, 2002-17 (associate professor, 1996-2002). Founding Director, Center for Ecohydraulics Research, University of Idaho, 2005-17.

Lead scientist, California Delta Science Program, 2012-15.

University of Southampton, B.S. (civil engineering), 1978; University of California - Berkeley, M.S. (hydraulic & coastal engineering), 1982, Ph.D. (hydraulic engineering), 1986. President, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering, 2015- (elected council member, 2003-07, vice-president, 2007-12). Graduate Engineer, Sir M. McDonald and Partners, Cambridge, UK, 1978-81. Technical Director and Principal, Phillip Williams and Associates, 1989-96. External Research Advisor, Computational Hydraulics and Environmental Modeling Research Group, University of Bradford, UK, 1989-96 (lecturer in water engineering, 1986-89; academic staff member, 1987-89). Fulbright Award, 2003-04. Gledden Senior Fellowship, 2003. Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Engineering, University of Idaho, 2006. Lemley International Individual Award for the Environment, 2007. Research Excellence Award, University of Idaho, 2008.

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