![[photo, Montgomery Park Business Center, 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/14doe/images/1198-1-653.jpg)
Origins of the Department of the Environment began with Maryland's response to environmental threats to the oyster industry and to public health. Consequently, efforts were divided between State health and conservation agencies. Moreover, since pollution of water resources was apparent long before the invisible and insidious effects of air pollution were recognized, more State initiatives focused on water quality. Finally, because air and water freely move across boundaries drawn by man, work to maintain their quality is necessarily interjurisdictional. With interstate cooperation, Maryland environmental programs frequently have been shaped by federal mandates and funding.
Air Quality. An offshoot of the modern industrial age, air pollution is perceived as a more recent phenomena than water pollution. Concern for air quality began in the cities and focused initially on visible pollution, i.e., smoke or particulate matter. Local boiler inspectors played a minor role in reducing smoke. In the United States, perhaps the first air pollution regulation was an 1881 Chicago ordinance declaring any emission of dense smoke to be a public nuisance. The first federal agency responsible for air quality was the Office of Air Pollution. Created in the early 1900s by the federal Bureau of Mines, the Office conducted research on smoke emission controls.
Department of the Environment. State environmental programs were consolidated into one executive department when the Department of the Environment was created in 1987 (Chapter 306, Acts of 1987).
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