Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

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[photo, Peter V. R. Franchot, Comptroller of Maryland] PETER V. R. FRANCHOT, Comptroller (Democrat)

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Comptroller of Maryland since January 22, 2007.

Member, Board of Public Works, 2007-; Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, 2007-; Maryland Commission on Public Art, 2007-; Board of State Canvassers, 2007-; Capital Debt Affordability Committee, 2007-; College Savings Plans of Maryland Board, 2007-16; Commission on State Debt, 2007-; Maryland Economic Development Assistance Authority, 2007-; Maryland Food Center Authority, 2007-; Hall of Records Commission, 2007-; Maryland Industrial Development Financing Authority, 2007-; Board of Revenue Estimates, 2007-. Vice-Chair, Board of Trustees, State Retirement and Pension System, 2007- (investment committee, 2007-; corporate governance committee, 2007-13). Member, Maryland State Employees Surety Bond Committee, 2007-; Financial Education and Capability Commission, 2012-; Task Force to Study Family and Medical Leave Insurance, 2016-18; Maryland 529 Board, 2016-. Chair, Reform-on-Tap Task Force, Office of Comptroller of Maryland, 2017. Chair, Comptroller's Task Force on Electronic Smoking Devices, 2019-20.

Member, Eastern Shore Task Force on Foster Care, 2007-08; Task Force on Renewable Alternative Fuels, 2007-08; Blue Ribbon Commission to Study Retiree Health-Care Funding Options, 2007-09; Banking Board, 2007-11; Maryland Business Tax Reform Commission, 2008-10; Commission to Study the Impact of Immigrants in Maryland, 2008-12; Joint Enforcement Task Force on Workplace Fraud, 2009-13; Communications Tax Reform Commission, 2012-13; Task Force to Study the Implementation of a Hub and Spoke Program, 2013-14; Task Force on the Implementation of Tax Benefits for Emergency Preparedness Equipment, 2013-14. Chair, Commission to Study the Regulation of Payroll Services, 2013-14. Member, Task Force to Study Small and Minority Design Firm Participation in State Procurement, 2015-16; Commission to Modernize State Procurement, 2016.

Member of House of Delegates, January 14, 1987 to January 22, 2007. Member, Appropriations Committee, 1987-2007 (law enforcement & transportation subcommittee, 1991; education & transportation subcommittee, 1992-94; oversight committee on program open space and agricultural land preservation, 1993-2007; capital budget subcommittee, 1995-2007; chair, public safety & administration subcommittee, 1997-99; chair, transportation & the environment subcommittee, 1999-2007; member, oversight committee on pensions, 2003-05; oversight committee on personnel, 2006-07). Member, Special Joint Committee on MED-EVAC Program, 1987-88. House Chair, Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 1995-96. Chair, Special Committee on County Finances, Montgomery County Delegation, 1995-98. Member, Transportation Committee, Montgomery County Delegation, 1999-2007. Member, Maryland Legislative Sportsmen's Caucus, 2001-07; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2006-07. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (transportation committee, 2004-05).

Staff director for U.S. Representative Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts, 1980-86. Special counsel to chair of Subcommittee on Energy Conservation and Power, U.S. Congressional Committee on Energy and Commerce, 1985-86. Member, Sound Barrier Review Panel, 1995-96; Committee on Building Public Trust and Confidence in the Justice System, 1999; State Information Technology Board, 1999-2004 (co-chair, e-commerce committee, 1999); Transit Policy Panel, 2000; Virginia-Maryland-District of Columbia Joint Legislative Commission on Interstate Transportation, 2000-03.

Born in New Haven, Connecticut, November 25, 1947. Attended Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. Served in U.S. Army, 1968-70. Amherst College, B.A. (english), 1973; Northeastern University School of Law, J.D., 1978. Attorney; self-employed business development consultant. Member, District of Columbia Bar, 1989-. Legislative counsel, Union of Concerned Scientists, 1978-80. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2008, 2012, 2016. Former president and treasurer, Longbranch Sligo Citizens Association. Coach, Takoma Park Youth Soccer League. Coach, Montgomery County Youth Hockey League. Distinguished Partnership Award, Baltimore-Washington, DC, Chapter, National Association of Securities Professionals, 2007. William R. Snodgrass Distinguished Leadership Award, Association of Government Accountants, 2008. Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. Ron Resh Business Advocate Award, Greater Bethesda-Chevy Chase Chamber of Commerce, 2013. Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, 2014. Married; two children.


Peter Franchot was elected Maryland's 33rd Comptroller on November 7, 2006, and sworn in to office on January 22, 2007. He was re-elected on November 2, 2010, November 4, 2014, and November 6, 2018. Prior to his election to statewide office, Mr. Franchot served twenty years in the House of Delegates, representing the residents of Montgomery County. Mr. Franchot served on the House Appropriations Committee and chaired its transportation and the environment subcommittee. Throughout his career, he has been a strong advocate for education, health care, transportation and environmental protection initiatives.

As Comptroller, Mr. Franchot has been an independent voice and fiscal watchdog for the taxpayers of Maryland. He serves on the three-member Board of Public Works, which approves millions of dollars in State contracts each year. Comptroller Franchot has worked tirelessly to keep Maryland competitive in the knowledge-based economy, assisting working families, and protecting the State's natural resources.

Comptroller Franchot attended Amherst College (B.A., 1973) and Northeastern School of Law (J.D., 1978). From 1968 to 1970, he served in the United States Army. He is married to Anne Maher, a lawyer, and they have two children, Abigail, and Nick. They live in Takoma Park, Maryland.

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