![[photo, Wanika B. Fisher, Maryland State Delegate]](/msa/mdmanual/06hse/images/1198-1-10212b.jpg)
Democrat, District 47B, Prince George's Counties
- House Office Building, Room 206
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3340, (301) 858-3340
1-800-492-7122, ext. 3340 (toll free)
fax: (410) 841-3239, (301) 858-3239
Member of House of Delegates since January 9, 2019. Assistant Majority Leader, 2020-. Member, Judiciary Committee, 2019- (civil law & procedure subcommittee, 2019-; criminal law & procedure subcommittee, 2019-; criminal justice subcommittee, 2019-); Study Group on Economic Stability, 2019-; Work Group to Address Police Reform and Accountability in Maryland, 2020-. Member, Maryland Legislative Asian-American and Pacific-Islander Caucus, 2019- (chair, legislative committee, 2019; co-chair, legislative & policy committee, 2019-); Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2019-; Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-; Women Legislators of Maryland, 2019-. Associate member, Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, 2019-.
Member, Task Force to Study Maryland's Criminal Gang Statutes, 2019-20. Member, Police Reform Task Force, Prince George's County, 2020-.
Policy and Community Director, Prince George's County Council, 2014-16.
Assistant State's Attorney, Prince George's County, 2017.
Born in New York, New York, June 16, 1988. University of Maryland, College Park, B.A. (government & politics, african-american studies), 2010; Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University, J.D., 2013. Attorney. Admitted to Maryland Bar. Associate, Law Office of Victor Ramirez, LLC, 2017-18. Emerge Maryland, 2017; Developing Leaders Program, Planned Parenthood, 2017. Member, Young Democrats of Prince George's County. Board of Governors, University of Maryland, College Park, Alumni Association. Member, Alumni Council, Penn State Alumni Association. Member, Iota Gamma Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Member, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hyattsville, Maryland.
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