Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


[photo, Matt Morgan, Maryland State Delegate] JAMES MATTHEW (MATT) MORGAN
Republican, District 29A, St. Mary's County

    House Office Building, Room 310
    6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
    (410) 841-3170, (301) 858-3170
    1-800-492-7122, ext. 3170 (toll free)
    fax: (410) 841-3252, (301) 858-3252

Member of House of Delegates since January 14, 2015. Assistant Minority Leader, 2019-. Member, Health and Government Operations Committee, 2015- (government operations & long-term care subcommittee, 2015-17; public health & minority health disparities subcommittee, 2015-; government operations & estates & trusts subcommittee, 2017-19; health occupations & long-term care subcommittee, 2020-); Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2019-. Chair, St. Mary's County House Delegation, 2019-.

Member, Maryland Medicaid Advisory Committee, 2015-. Executive Board, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, 2015- (member, 2015-; 3rd vice-chair, 2019).

Born in La Plata, Maryland, February 5, 1973. Attended Maurice J. McDonough High School, Pomfret, Maryland. Computer technician and construction cost estimator, William H. Metcalf, 1994-95. System engineer and technician, AAA Networks, 1999-2000. Network analyst and information technology assistant manager, Fulbright and Jaworski, 2000-01. Lead technical specialist, College of Southern Maryland, 2001-. Realtor, O'Brien Realty, 2005-. Member, Mechanicsville Moose Lodge; St. Mary's Republican Club; Maryland Association of Realtors; National Hot Rod Association; National Rifle Association. Hall of Fame, Southern Maryland Association of Realtors, 2014. Married; two children.

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