![[photo, Vanessa E. Atterbeary, Maryland State Delegate]](/msa/mdmanual/06hse/images/1198-1-06878b.jpg)
Democrat, District 13, Howard County
- House Office Building, Room 101
6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 841-3471, (301) 858-3471
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fax: (410) 841-3986, (301) 858-3986
Member of House of Delegates since January 14, 2015. Vice-Chair, Judiciary Committee, 2019- (member, 2015-; chair, family law subcommittee, 2017-18, member, 2015-; juvenile law subcommittee, 2015-18; chair, public safety subcommittee, 2019-). Member, Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 2017-; Rules and Executive Nominations Committee, 2019-; Marijuana Legalization Work Group, 2019-. Chair, Work Group to Address Police Reform and Accountability in Maryland, 2020-. Member, Public Safety and Policing Work Group, 2015-16. Deputy Majority Whip, 2017-18. House Chair, Howard County Delegation, 2016-17, 2019-20. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2015-; Women Legislators of Maryland, 2015-.
Member, Governor's Workforce Investment Board, 2015-16; Neshante and Chloe Davis Domestic Violence Prevention Task Force, 2016-17; Governor's Workforce Development Board, 2016-; Work Group to Study Child Custody Court Proceedings Involving Child Abuse or Domestic Violence Allegations, 2019-.
Assistant Attorney General, District of Columbia, 2007-09. Past president, Commission for Women, Montgomery County. Past chair, Community Development Advisory Committee, Montgomery County.
Born in Columbia, Maryland, June 24, 1975. Attended Atholton High School, Columbia, Maryland; College of William and Mary, B.A. (government), 1997; Villanova University School of Law, J.D., 2000. Law clerk to Judge David W. Young, Baltimore City Circuit Court, 2001-02. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 2001; District of Columbia Bar, 2002; U.S. District Court for District of Maryland, 2003, for District of Columbia, 2006. Attorney. Associate, Bulman, Dunie, Burke & Feld, CHTD, 2002-07. General Counsel, KRA Corporation, 2009-. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; District of Columbia Bar Association. Vice-President, Silver Spring Chapter, The Links, Inc. Past member, Board of Directors, Maryland Legislative Agenda for Women. Leadership Montgomery, 2010. Leadership Maryland, 2012. Member, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Legislative Champion Award, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2018. 25 Women to Watch in 2018, Baltimore Sun, 2018. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 2020. Three children.
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