Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

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[photo, Geraldine Valentino-Smith, Maryland State Delegate] GERALDINE VALENTINO-SMITH
Democrat, District 23A, Prince George's County

    House Office Building, Room 201
    6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
    (410) 841-3101, (301) 858-3101
    1-800-492-7122, ext. 3101 (toll free)
    fax: (410) 841-3850, (301) 858-3850

Member of House of Delegates since January 12, 2011. Deputy Majority Whip, 2015-. Member, Appropriations Committee, 2016- (health & human resources subcommittee, 2016-17; oversight committee on personnel, 2017-; capital budget subcommittee, 2019-; vice-chair, health & social services subcommittee, 2019-, member, 2016-); Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee, 2019-; Study Group on Economic Stability, 2019-. Co-Chair, Joint Committee on Ending Homelessness, 2019- (member, 2016-). Member, Judiciary Committee, 2011-16 (juvenile law subcommittee, 2011-16; chair, family law subcommittee, 2015-16); Death with Dignity Work Group, 2015. House Chair, Joint Committee on Children, Youth, and Families, 2015-16 (member, 2016-17). Member, Affordable Care Act (ACA) Work Group, 2018; Joint Audit Committee, 2019. Co-Chair, Work Group to Study Shelter and Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Minors, 2019-20. House Chair, Spending Affordability Committee, 2020. 1st Vice-Chair, Prince George's County Delegation, 2015-18 (maryland-national capital park & planning commission committee, 2011-12; law enforcement & state-appointed boards committee, 2013-16; chair, education committee, 2017-18; member, bi-county committee, 2018-). Member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2011-; Maryland Veterans Caucus, 2012-; Maryland Legislative Transit Caucus, 2019-. Associate member, Maryland Legislative Latino Caucus, 2015-.

Member, Juvenile Grant Planning and Review Council, 2011-17; Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts, 2012-14; Prince George's County Juvenile Court and School Safety Work Group, 2013-14; Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, 2015-16; Two-Generation Family Economic Security Commission, 2017-18; Work Group on the Assessment and Funding of School Facilities, 2018-; Prince George's County School Construction Master Plan Work Group, 2018-19. Co-Chair, Work Group to Study Shelter and Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Minors, 2019-.

Member, Bowie City Council, At Large, 2007 to November 15, 2010. Member, Metropolitan Development Policy Committee, 2008-10, and Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee, 2009-10, of Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, March 5, 1964. Attended Bowie High School, Bowie, Maryland; Catholic University, B.S. (nursing), 1987. Former clinical nurse, National Institutes of Health. Columbia School of Law, Catholic University, J.D., 1992. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1992. Attorney. Member, Maryland State Bar Association; Prince George's County Bar Association; Women's Bar Association of Maryland. Board of Directors, Prince George's Municipal Association (chair, legislative committee). Member, Advisory Board for the Nurse Graduate Residency Program, Maryland Organization of Nurse Leaders, 2013-18; Committee on Advocacy and Public Policy, Children's National Medical Center. Board of Directors, Commonwealth Mutual Insurance Company of America (finance committee). Outstanding Freshman Legislator, Department of Maryland Disabled American Veterans, 2011. Legislator of the Year Award, Maryland Nurses Association, 2012. Martin Luther King Commemorative Award, 2012. Certificate of Appreciation, Maryland Municipal League, 2013. Legislator of the Year, Maryland State's Attorneys' Association, 2014. Outstanding Friend, Maryland Municipal League, 2014. WRAPPY Award for Public Service, Washington Regional Alcohol Program, 2014. Service Award, Maryland Nurses Association, 2015. Outstanding Commitment and Leadership in the Fight Against Drunk Driving and Underage Drinking, Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, 2016. Legislative Award, Maryland State Medical Society, 2016. A. Leo Anderson Memorial Freestate Award of Excellence, American Veterans, 2017. Award, Prince George's County Municipal Association and Maryland Municipal League, 2017. Community Action Partner Award, Maryland Community Action Partnership, 2018. Certificate of Appreciation for Leadership for Service Members and Families, Department of Defense, 2018. Member, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Bowie, Maryland. Married; three children.

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