Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

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[photo, Andrea F. Harrison, Maryland State Delegate] ANDREA FLETCHER HARRISON
Democrat, District 24, Prince George's County

    House Office Building, Room 204
    6 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
    (410) 841-3919, (301) 858-3919
    1-800-492-7122, ext. 3919 (toll free)
    fax: (410) 841-3925, (301) 858-3925

Member of House of Delegates since January 9, 2019. Member, Environment and Transportation Committee, 2019- (local government & bi-county agencies subcommittee, 2019-; motor vehicle & transportation subcommittee, 2019-); Study Group on Economic Stability, 2019-. House Chair, Protocol Committee, 2020-. Member, Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, 2019-; Women Legislators of Maryland, 2019-.

Member, County Council, Prince George's County, representing District 5, May 19, 2008 to December 3, 2018 (chair, Dec. 6, 2011 to Dec. 3, 2013; vice-chair, Dec. 2, 2009 to Dec. 7, 2010). Chair, Planning, Zoning and Economic Development Committee, 2015-18 (member, 2011-18). Member, Public Safety and Fiscal Management Committee, 2009-18 (vice-chair, 2009-10, 2015). Member, Transportation, Housing, and the Environment Committee, 2008-10; Health, Education and Human Services Committee, 2008-12 (chair, 2008-09, 2011-12). Vice-Chair, Rules and General Assembly Committee, 2016 (member, 2012, 2015-).

Member, Board of Health, Prince George’s County, 2008-18; Joint Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Governance Review Task Force, 2010; Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 2010-14. Chair, Board of Directors, 2011, and alternate member, Climate, Energy and Environment Policy Committee, 2012-18, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (vice-chair, 2009-10). Member, Drug and Alcohol Council, Prince George's County, 2010-18; Prince George's County Juvenile Court and School Safety Work Group, 2013; Mental Health Advisory Board, Prince George’s County, 2016-18.

Member, Board of Supervisors of Elections, Prince George's County, 1996; Route 202 Corridor Study Panel, 1996.

Born in Washington, DC. Prince George's Community College, A.A. (micro computer systems), 1992; Bowie State University, B.A. (public policy), 2002. Network administrator, Walter Reed Army Medical Campus, Office of Naval Research, Defense Information Systems Agency, National Science Foundation, Defense Communications Agency, 1988-96. President, vice-president, secretary, Ardmore Springdale Civic Association, 1994-2007. Network administrator, SIGNAL Corp., 1996-97. Helpdesk assistant manager, SIGNAL Corp., 1997-99. Development specialist, Nancy Jacobson Consulting, 1999-2002. Constituent services liaison, 2002, and deputy chief of staff/ policy director, 2002-08, District 5 County Council Office, Prince George's County. President, National Association of Black County Officials, 2014- (1st vice-president, 2013-14). Board of Directors, Dimensions Healthcare System, 2016-. Phyllis Campbell Newsome Public Policy Leadership Award, Center for Nonprofit Advancement, 2011. Civic Leadership Award, Community Foundation for Prince George’s County, 2012. Married; three children.

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