Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual


[photo, Katie Fry Hester, Maryland State Senator] KATHRYN A. (KATIE) FRY HESTER
Democrat, District 9, Carroll & Howard Counties

    James Senate Office Building, Room 304
    11 Bladen St., Annapolis, MD 21401
    (410) 841-3671, (301) 858-3671
    fax: (410) 841-3395, (301) 858-3395

Member of Senate since January 9, 2019. Member, Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Committee, 2020- (alcohol subcommittee, 2020-; health subcommittee, 2020-). Senate Chair, Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Biotechnology, 2019-. Member, Joint Audit and Evaluation Committee, 2019-. Senate Co-Chair, Protocol Committee, 2020-. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2019; Joint Audit Committee, 2019; Work Group to Study Shelter and Supportive Services for Unaccompanied Homeless Minors, 2019-20. Member, Women Legislators of Maryland, 2019-.

Member, Adaptive Reuse of Historic Properties Study Steering Committee, 2019-20; Commission to Study Mental and Behavioral Health in Maryland, 2019-; Phosphorus Management Tool Transition Advisory Committee, 2019-; Maryland Rural Council, 2019-; Maryland Tourism Development Board, 2019-.

Cornell University, B.Sc. (agricultural & biological engineering), 1997. Senior Analyst, Arthur D. Little, 1998-2001. Manager, Research and Advocacy, SustainAbility, 2008-09 (senior advisor, 2001-04; manager, engaging stakeholders, 2005-07; working sabbatical, 2008). Americas Director, The Partnering Initiative, 2015- (senior associate, 2009-13; director, business partnership action, 2013-15). Member, Maryland First Responders. Volunteer, Wisp Ski Patrol. Member, Do The Most Good; Indivisible Howard County; Mobilize HoCo Schools. Member, Ellicott City and Western Howard County Democratic Club. Registered yoga teacher, The Yoga Center of Columbia, 2013. Member, Glen Mar United Methodist Church, Ellicott City, Maryland. Married; two daughters.

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