NOVEMBER 6, 2018


Ben Cardin, Baltimore County
Lih Young, Montgomery County (write-in)

Arvin Vohra, Montgomery County

Tony Campbell, Baltimore County

Michael B. Puskar, Montgomery County (write-in)
Neal Simon, Montgomery County
Edward Shlikas, Harford County (write-in)

Campbell Cardin* Puskar Shlikas Simon Vohra Young
Allegany Co. 13,790 8,597 4 3 746 196 2
Anne Arundel Co. 92,401 122,910 35 7 10,528 2,674 26
Baltimore City 16,184 160,370 39 11 5,596 1,917 109
Baltimore Co. 106,275 197,530 5 4 17,192 3,313 33
Calvert Co. 19,901 17,372 4 1 1,273 458 4
Caroline Co. 6,474 4,265 3 0 451 105 2
Carroll Co. 42,479 25,986 12 2 5,020 966 3
Cecil Co. 19,851 13,237 7 0 1,267 412 5
Charles Co. 17,872 44,874 3 2 1,284 462 7
Dorchester Co. 5,864 5,928 2 0 397 95 0
Frederick Co. 47,038 55,256 15 8 3,242 1,292 12
Garrett Co. 7,801 2,817 1 0 216 98 1
Harford Co. 56,749 45,921 12 6 6,185 1,352 30
Howard Co. 38,797 96,067 30 11 6,621 1,819 25
Kent Co. 3,490 4,588 1 0 411 86 0
Montgomery Co. 74,924 314,568 33 26 13,333 3,655 38
Prince George's Co. 24,140 286,975 26 6 5,031 2,031 58
Queen Anne's Co. 12,813 8,463 4 0 1,230 232 0
St. Mary's Co. 21,393 16,849 1 0 1,361 559 1
Somerset Co. 3,882 3,652 0 0 172 45 0
Talbot Co. 8,050 9,054 1 0 796 154 0
Washington Co. 28,319 19,956 4 2 1,598 507 5
Wicomico Co. 15,644 16,539 5 0 1,133 351 2
Worcester Co. 12,886 9,840 0 1 881 164 1
TOTAL 697,017 1,491,614 247 90 85,964 22,943 364
% of Total 30.3% 64.9% 0% 0% 3.7% 1% 0%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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