NOVEMBER 2, 2010
DEMOCRATIC PARTYPeter V. R. Franchot, Montgomery County
William Henry Campbell, Howard County
Campbell | Franchot* | |
Allegany Co. | 11,767 | 8,623 |
Anne Arundel Co. | 96,407 | 98,228 |
Baltimore City | 21,684 | 130,533 |
Baltimore Co. | 113,729 | 161,185 |
Calvert Co. | 16,834 | 13,523 |
Caroline Co. | 5,316 | 4,253 |
Carroll Co. | 40,077 | 20,854 |
Cecil Co. | 16,897 | 11,707 |
Charles Co. | 17,115 | 28,273 |
Dorchester Co. | 4,976 | 6,169 |
Frederick Co. | 40,057 | 32,348 |
Garrett Co. | 6,409 | 2,677 |
Harford Co. | 52,442 | 38,671 |
Howard Co. | 43,438 | 60,361 |
Kent Co. | 3,587 | 4,175 |
Montgomery Co. | 85,687 | 196,538 |
Prince George's Co. | 25,676 | 200,242 |
Queen Anne's Co. | 10,901 | 8,176 |
St. Mary's Co. | 17,291 | 12,724 |
Somerset Co. | 3,620 | 3,569 |
Talbot Co. | 7,477 | 8,264 |
Washington Co. | 23,164 | 14,573 |
Wicomico Co. | 15,338 | 13,240 |
Worcester Co. | 11,572 | 8,931 |
TOTAL | 691,461 | 1,087,836 |
% of Total | 39% | 61% |
* = winner
Source: State Board of Elections
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