Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



JUNE 26, 2018


Rushern L. Baker III, Prince George's County
Elizabeth Embry, Baltimore City

Kevin Kamenetz, Baltimore County
Valerie Ervin, Montgomery County
(Kevin Kamenetz died suddenly, May 10, 2018.
His running mate, Valerie Ervin, withdrew as a candidate, June 12, 2018.)

Ralph Jaffe, Baltimore County
Freda Jaffe, Baltimore County

Ben Jealous, Anne Arundel County
Susan Turnbull, Montgomery County

James Hugh Jones II, Baltimore City
Charles S. Waters, Baltimore City

Richard S. Madaleno, Jr., Montgomery County
Luwanda W. Jenkins, Baltimore County

Alec Ross, Baltimore City
Julie C. Verratti, Montgomery County

Jim Shea, Baltimore County
Brandon M. Scott, Baltimore City

Krish O'Mara Vignarajah, Montgomery County
Sharon Y. Blake, Baltimore County

Baker Kamenetz Jaffe Jealous* Jones
Allegany Co. 413 159 122 1,170 106
Anne Arundel Co. 9,209 1,347 456 15,604 479
Baltimore City 15,001 2,911 961 33,925 1,178
Baltimore Co. 14,576 4,798 1,558 34,106 1,024
Calvert Co. 1,797 321 186 1,745 162
Caroline Co. 206 74 55 457 41
Carroll Co. 1,067 312 128 3,201 108
Cecil Co. 533 171 84 1,512 74
Charles Co. 6,383 528 361 6,668 582
Dorchester Co. 366 76 79 627 113
Frederick Co. 3,190 595 348 7,759 274
Garrett Co. 132 46 36 330 41
Harford Co. 1,992 670 272 6,416 229
Howard Co. 7,105 890 344 15,603 311
Kent Co. 319 79 34 736 31
Montgomery Co. 41,112 3,014 1,750 45,112 1,202
Prince George's Co. 63,513 1,686 1,919 47,761 2,330
Queen Anne's Co. 452 109 41 1,069 32
St. Mary's Co. 1,295 404 155 1,384 126
Somerset Co. 117 59 45 271 70
Talbot Co. 577 89 83 1,414 48
Washington Co. 1,232 242 174 2,281 205
Wicomico Co. 619 162 124 1,662 318
Worcester Co. 491 109 90 1,082 104
TOTAL 171,697 18,851 9,405 231,895 9,188
% of Total 29.3% 3.2% 1.6% 39.6% 1.6%

Madaleno Ross Shea Vignarajah
Allegany Co. 169 218 284 462
Anne Arundel Co. 2,002 1,177 3,446 4,646
Baltimore City 2,369 1,241 15,347 5,767
Baltimore Co. 3,209 2,005 13,312 7,771
Calvert Co. 289 221 325 671
Caroline Co. 68 62 170 133
Carroll Co. 410 282 851 1,067
Cecil Co. 138 182 357 416
Charles Co. 478 417 546 1,052
Dorchester Co. 105 69 263 169
Frederick Co. 1,066 646 1,005 2,597
Garrett Co. 67 61 71 130
Harford Co. 496 501 1,804 1,755
Howard Co. 1,631 901 2,263 4,112
Kent Co. 85 56 179 295
Montgomery Co. 18,231 3,206 3,740 9,208
Prince George's Co. 2,138 1,452 1,733 4,662
Queen Anne's Co. 138 103 270 326
St. Mary's Co. 224 163 302 757
Somerset Co. 25 39 227 79
Talbot Co. 192 111 345 335
Washington Co. 330 328 390 912
Wicomico Co. 204 218 900 435
Worcester Co. 120 121 517 285
TOTAL 34,184 13,780 48,647 48,042
% of Total 5.8% 2.4% 8.3% 8.2%

Larry Hogan, Anne Arundel County
Boyd K. Rutherford, Howard County

Allegany Co. 6,777
Anne Arundel Co. 27,386
Baltimore City 2,796
Baltimore Co. 32,333
Calvert Co. 8,626
Caroline Co. 2,943
Carroll Co. 14,762
Cecil Co. 5,632
Charles Co. 4,177
Dorchester Co. 2,424
Frederick Co. 15,897
Garrett Co. 3,135
Harford Co. 18,606
Howard Co. 10,592
Kent Co. 1,608
Montgomery Co. 15,532
Prince George's Co. 4,888
Queen Anne's Co. 4,760
St. Mary's Co. 5,766
Somerset Co. 1,655
Talbot Co. 3,920
Washington Co. 7,877
Wicomico Co. 3,745
Worcester Co. 5,098
TOTAL 210,935
% of Total 100%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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