JUNE 26, 2018
DEMOCRATIC PARTYBrian E. Frosh, Montgomery County
Frosh* | |
Allegany Co. | 2,863 |
Anne Arundel Co. | 33,471 |
Baltimore City | 62,959 |
Baltimore Co. | 70,001 |
Calvert Co. | 5,045 |
Caroline Co. | 1,173 |
Carroll Co. | 6,519 |
Cecil Co. | 3,043 |
Charles Co. | 14,995 |
Dorchester Co. | 1,686 |
Frederick Co. | 15,455 |
Garrett Co. | 843 |
Harford Co. | 12,269 |
Howard Co. | 28,696 |
Kent Co. | 1,574 |
Montgomery Co. | 112,285 |
Prince George's Co. | 110,657 |
Queen Anne's Co. | 2,350 |
St. Mary's Co. | 4,158 |
Somerset Co. | 802 |
Talbot Co. | 2,936 |
Washington Co. | 5,505 |
Wicomico Co. | 4,016 |
Worcester Co. | 2,596 |
TOTAL | 505,897 |
% of Total | 100% |
Craig Wolf, Howard County
Wolf* | |
Allegany Co. | 5,356 |
Anne Arundel Co. | 23,322 |
Baltimore City | 2,430 |
Baltimore Co. | 26,860 |
Calvert Co. | 6,534 |
Caroline Co. | 2,283 |
Carroll Co. | 12,262 |
Cecil Co. | 4,629 |
Charles Co. | 3,434 |
Dorchester Co. | 1,765 |
Frederick Co. | 13,163 |
Garrett Co. | 2,481 |
Harford Co. | 15,721 |
Howard Co. | 8,911 |
Kent Co. | 1,230 |
Montgomery Co. | 14,272 |
Prince George's Co. | 4,183 |
Queen Anne's Co. | 3,789 |
St. Mary's Co. | 4,741 |
Somerset Co. | 1,288 |
Talbot Co. | 3,063 |
Washington Co. | 6,363 |
Wicomico Co. | 3,153 |
Worcester Co. | 4,196 |
TOTAL | 175,429 |
% of Total | 100% |
* = winner
Source: State Board of Elections
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