Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



APRIL 26, 2016


Hillary Clinton, New York, New York
Roque (Rocky) De La Fuente, San Diego, California
Bernie Sanders, Burlington, Vermont


De La Fuente Sanders uncommitted
Allegany Co. 2,476 47 2,727 746
Anne Arundel Co. 37,726 359 26,205 2,851
Baltimore City 87,762 395 42,285 4,039
Baltimore Co. 77,052 948 50,641 5,971
Calvert Co. 5,440 72 3,490 525
Caroline Co. 1,167 27 959 138
Carroll Co. 7,017 108 7,299 830
Cecil Co. 3,534 53 3,562 657
Charles Co. 15,685 82 6,623 731
Dorchester Co. 2,149 36 1,080 219
Frederick Co. 14,735 126 12,844 1,136
Garrett Co. 821 16 939 218
Harford Co. 13,913 215 11,489 1,550
Howard Co. 32,139 170 20,316 1,449
Kent Co. 1,532 13 1,080 168
Montgomery Co. 122,881 381 59,157 3,064
Prince George's Co. 120,978 222 40,815 2,358
Queen Anne's Co. 2,458 35 1,851 251
St. Mary's Co. 4,892 66 3,725 645
Somerset Co. 1,207 19 668 131
Talbot Co. 2,710 16 1,550 186
Washington Co. 6,211 82 5,189 1,128
Wicomico Co. 5,543 51 3,410 530
Worcester Co. 3,214 43 2,086 428
TOTAL 573,242 3,582 309,990 29,949
% of Total 62.5% 0.4% 33.8% 3.3%

Jeb Bush, Florida
Ben Carson, Virginia
Chris Christie, New Jersey
Ted Cruz, Texas
Carly Fiorina, Virginia
Mike Huckabee, Arkansas
John R. Kasich, Ohio
Rand Paul, Kentucky
Marco Rubio, Florida
Rick Santorum, Pennsylvania
Donald J. Trump, New York

Bush Carson Christie Cruz Fiorina Huckabee
Allegany Co. 89 204 30 1,820 15 30
Anne Arundel Co. 330 676 160 9,866 112 91
Baltimore City 97 215 59 1,977 59 28
Baltimore Co. 310 838 191 10,593 133 92
Calvert Co. 77 151 24 2,331 17 31
Caroline Co. 15 55 6 661 2 5
Carroll Co. 145 503 79 6,060 57 34
Cecil Co. 49 178 39 2,442 19 28
Charles Co. 57 121 26 2,304 32 26
Dorchester Co. 15 49 10 499 6 5
Frederick Co. 182 380 62 7,716 51 58
Garrett Co. 38 137 15 1,480 10 32
Harford Co. 153 525 94 5,887 67 59
Howard Co. 171 262 72 5,477 99 29
Kent Co. 14 36 8 341 2 5
Montgomery Co. 455 372 151 11,168 152 82
Prince George's Co. 168 250 59 3,664 58 49
Queen Anne's Co. 38 100 21 1,232 7 4
St. Mary's Co. 92 177 31 2,798 33 48
Somerset Co. 6 46 5 486 4 3
Talbot Co. 34 70 17 868 10 5
Washington Co. 180 336 48 4,554 43 69
Wicomico Co. 34 175 20 1,916 16 15
Worcester Co. 21 90 12 953 8 9
TOTAL 2,770 5,946 1,239 87,093 1,012 837
% of Total 0.6% 1.3% 0.3% 19% 0.2% 0.2%

Kasich Paul Rubio Santorum


Allegany Co. 1,282 32 83 18 6,486
Anne Arundel Co. 15,950 169 424 45 32,081
Baltimore City 2,862 72 102 21 4,186
Baltimore Co. 15,188 225 359 70 38,247
Calvert Co. 1,999 45 94 10 6,571
Caroline Co. 510 8 15 2 2,590
Carroll Co. 6,501 82 179 19 16,942
Cecil Co. 1,879 53 64 10 7,557
Charles Co. 1,608 29 92 17 6,440
Dorchester Co. 554 7 21 3 2,841
Frederick Co. 6,493 135 224 35 16,011
Garrett Co. 986 14 40 10 3,723
Harford Co. 7,187 119 210 26 22,376
Howard Co. 10,299 108 219 37 12,238
Kent Co. 553 5 17 1 1,449
Montgomery Co. 17,953 176 480 52 19,689
Prince George's Co. 3,592 63 162 37 6,105
Queen Anne's Co. 1,543 15 45 2 5,329
St. Mary's Co. 2,285 45 93 23 6,852
Somerset Co. 252 1 8 3 1,747
Talbot Co. 1,563 19 38 3 3,253
Washington Co. 2,673 76 154 23 12,352
Wicomico Co. 1,702 30 44 5 7,214
Worcester Co. 1,200 5 34 6 6,064
TOTAL 106,614 1,533 3,201 478 248,343
% of Total 23.2% 0.3% 0.7% 0.1% 54.1%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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