Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



JUNE 24, 2014


Aisha Braveboy, Prince George's County
Jon S. Cardin, Baltimore County
Brian E. Frosh, Montgomery County

Braveboy Cardin Frosh*
Allegany Co. 300 1,390 1,097
Anne Arundel Co. 4,568 11,859 16,599
Baltimore City 12,020 21,319 31,819
Baltimore Co. 10,995 25,467 41,173
Calvert Co. 746 1,912 2,206
Caroline Co. 162 633 429
Carroll Co. 727 2,650 3,859
Cecil Co. 563 1,944 1,589
Charles Co. 4,442 5,262 4,411
Dorchester Co. 441 1,135 720
Frederick Co. 1,666 4,765 6,402
Garrett Co. 116 416 322
Harford Co. 2,440 5,333 6,785
Howard Co. 3,250 7,513 14,692
Kent Co. 175 746 793
Montgomery Co. 8,260 17,116 60,349
Prince George's Co. 38,513 19,459 26,507
Queen Anne's Co. 342 1,273 1,371
St. Mary's Co. 633 2,064 1,654
Somerset Co. 224 590 227
Talbot Co. 312 1,132 1,113
Washington Co. 604 2,161 2,095
Wicomico Co. 881 2,065 1,174
Worcester Co. 284 1,378 974
TOTAL 92,664 139,582 228,360
% of Total 20.1% 30.3% 49.6%

Jeffrey N. Pritzker, Baltimore County

Allegany Co. 3,543
Anne Arundel Co. 25,114
Baltimore City 2,692
Baltimore Co. 21,651
Calvert Co. 4,340
Caroline Co. 1,701
Carroll Co. 14,304
Cecil Co. 5,085
Charles Co. 3,745
Dorchester Co. 1,911
Frederick Co. 14,401
Garrett Co. 2,744
Harford Co. 13,839
Howard Co. 8,721
Kent Co. 1,053
Montgomery Co. 12,031
Prince George's Co. 3,910
Queen Anne's Co. 4,212
St. Mary's Co. 4,179
Somerset Co. 1,058
Talbot Co. 3,497
Washington Co. 6,461
Wicomico Co. 3,828
Worcester Co. 2,865
TOTAL 166,885
% of Total 100%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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