Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



FEBRUARY 12, 2008


Joseph R. Biden, Jr., Delaware
Hillary Clinton, New York
Christopher J. Dodd, Connecticut
John Edwards, North Carolina
Mike Gravel, Alaska
Dennis J. Kucinich, Ohio
Barack Obama, Illinois
Bill Richardson, New Mexico

Biden Clinton Dodd Edwards Gravel Kucinich Obama* Richardson
Allegany Co. 46 3,497 13 244 18 24 1,939 25
Anne Arundel Co. 373 29,465 72 1,222 84 167 35,560 240
Baltimore City 420 25,305 94 559 85 296 79,760 197
Baltimore Co. 634 51,668 144 1,954 129 275 72,043 346
Calvert Co. 47 4,760 12 219 14 23 4,972 38
Caroline Co. 54 1,437 9 87 8 11 1,372 17
Carroll Co. 74 6,973 20 401 25 45 6,766 63
Cecil Co. 134 4,942 14 202 14 17 2,741 24
Charles Co. 72 7,008 14 254 10 30 14,840 37
Dorchester Co. 52 1,935 11 95 7 17 2,368 23
Frederick Co. 119 11,534 23 479 35 62 12,354 101
Garrett Co. 11 1,006 7 80 7 5 622 10
Harford Co. 243 13,186 40 693 36 85 13,347 102
Howard Co. 129 18,130 28 427 37 63 27,174 137
Kent Co. 57 1,260 2 100 4 10 1,607 10
Montgomery Co. 448 72,697 88 1,239 104 328 93,527 333
Prince George's Co. 313 33,840 84 656 82 288 135,321 168
Queen Anne's Co. 80 2,672 11 167 13 23 2,438 23
St. Mary's Co. 82 5,081 23 257 23 28 5,370 47
Somerset Co. 32 1,277 11 81 10 10 1,565 14
Talbot Co. 32 1,954 6 108 6 9 2,946 18
Washington Co. 110 6,660 31 553 25 40 4,596 67
Wicomico Co. 129 4,469 17 242 19 37 6,184 24
Worcester Co. 85 3,455 14 187 9 16 3,253 34
TOTAL 3,776 314,211 788 10,506 804 1,909 532,665 2,098
% of Total 0.4% 35.8% 0.1% 1.2% 0.1% 0.2% 60.7% 0.2%

Rudy Giuliani, New York
Mike Huckabee, Arkansas
Duncan Hunter, California
Alan Keyes, Maryland
John McCain, Arizona
Ron Paul, Texas
Mitt Romney, Massachusetts
Tom Tancredo, Colorado
Fred Thompson, Tennessee

Giuliani Huckabee Hunter Keyes McCain* Paul Romney Tancredo Thompson
Allegany Co. 95 2,499 8 73 3,299 168 271 7 46
Anne Arundel Co. 607 10,866 69 401 25,462 2,583 3,374 42 371
Baltimore City 182 1,464 33 230 2,965 581 552 15 59
Baltimore Co. 682 10,076 53 386 21,131 3,892 3,744 46 363
Calvert Co. 96 2,183 12 54 4,101 250 335 14 86
Caroline Co. 36 1,018 4 45 1,373 147 245 6 32
Carroll Co. 226 5,452 20 137 8,310 1,527 1,345 12 168
Cecil Co. 112 2,531 11 43 3,371 439 349 5 38
Charles Co. 102 2,703 11 119 4,870 297 333 11 94
Dorchester Co. 47 940 8 43 1,733 90 195 4 20
Frederick Co. 251 7,582 45 198 11,060 1,022 1,470 21 232
Garrett Co. 52 1,615 7 48 1,751 139 144 4 36
Harford Co. 318 6,654 21 193 11,413 2,258 1,554 16 182
Howard Co. 244 5,277 25 152 11,719 1,408 1,515 23 166
Kent Co. 47 420 9 27 1,373 100 222 0 18
Montgomery Co. 593 9,700 75 480 28,322 1,982 3,113 65 425
Prince George's Co. 202 4,155 40 314 6,580 588 730 20 170
Queen Anne's Co. 86 1,444 5 50 3,529 330 587 7 53
St. Mary's Co. 86 2,541 10 63 4,913 333 315 7 69
Somerset Co. 22 692 2 30 889 31 48 1 16
Talbot Co. 66 1,011 7 27 3,595 227 575 5 44
Washington Co. 182 5,841 25 118 6,144 409 618 8 97
Wicomico Co. 133 3,300 15 95 4,623 230 432 10 67
Worcester Co. 81 1,644 7 60 3,520 165 360 7 49
TOTAL 4,548 91,608 522 3,386 176,046 19,196 22,426 356 2,901
% of Total 1.4% 28.5% 0.2% 1.1% 54.8% 6.0% 7.0% 0.1% 0.9%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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