Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



SEPTEMBER 10, 2002


Robert Raymond Fustero, Silver Spring, Montgomery County
Linda J. Atkins, College Park, Prince George's County

Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Baltimore, Baltimore County
Charles R. Larson, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County

Fustero/Atkins Townsend/Larson*
Allegany Co. 1,343 4,476
Anne Arundel Co. 12,170 27,423
Baltimore City 10,618 69,102
Baltimore Co. 29,039 55,340
Calvert Co. 1,235 5,092
Caroline Co. 666 1,085
Carroll Co. 3,740 5,431
Cecil Co. 1,953 4,067
Charles Co. 1,431 6,411
Dorchester Co. 1,198 2,540
Frederick Co. 2,138 9,198
Garrett Co. 339 1,108
Harford Co. 6,854 9,761
Howard Co. 4,376 18,302
Kent Co. 737 1,575
Montgomery Co. 11,403 94,492
Prince George's Co. 9,614 95,031
Queen Anne's Co. 1,421 2,590
St. Mary's Co. 2,011 5,401
Somerset Co. 833 1,304
Talbot Co. 829 2,091
Washington Co. 1,761 4,599
Wicomico Co. 1,591 4,897
Worcester Co. 1,359 3,632
TOTAL 108,659 434,948
% of Total 20% 80%

Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr., Timonium, Baltimore County
Michael S. Steele, Largo, Prince George's County

Ross Z. Pierpont, Baltimore, Baltimore County
Sidney J. Burns, Silver Spring, Montgomery County

James J. Sheridan, Columbia, Howard County
Kathleen Sheridan Linzey, Owings Mills, Baltimore County

Ehrlich/Steele* Pierpont/Burns Sheridan/Linzey
Allegany Co. 6,008 332 549
Anne Arundel Co. 31,542 687 799
Baltimore City 5,038 251 225
Baltimore Co. 36,754 712 442
Calvert Co. 4,639 160 242
Caroline Co. 1,728 45 28
Carroll Co. 16,331 578 336
Cecil Co. 4,151 394 190
Charles Co. 4,517 240 331
Dorchester Co. 2,221 69 75
Frederick Co. 13,122 655 708
Garrett Co. 3,234 292 459
Harford Co. 18,189 319 230
Howard Co. 13,577 447 431
Kent Co. 1,776 27 26
Montgomery Co. 28,227 1,544 2,063
Prince George's Co. 8,529 516 849
Queen Anne's Co. 4,506 100 82
St. Mary's Co. 5,099 278 380
Somerset Co. 1,461 40 34
Talbot Co. 3,681 72 50
Washington Co. 6,417 320 327
Wicomico Co. 5,314 228 190
Worcester Co. 3,866 152 135
TOTAL 229,927 8,458 9,181
% of Total 92.9% 3.4% 3.7%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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