Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



SEPTEMBER 10, 2002


J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Baltimore City

Allegany Co. 4,271
Anne Arundel Co. 34,901
Baltimore City 63,554
Baltimore Co. 77,205
Calvert Co. 5,168
Caroline Co. 1,372
Carroll Co. 8,188
Cecil Co. 5,014
Charles Co. 6,676
Dorchester Co. 2,911
Frederick Co. 9,498
Garrett Co. 1,138
Harford Co. 15,060
Howard Co. 20,254
Kent Co. 1,894
Montgomery Co. 86,852
Prince George's Co. 86,929
Queen Anne's Co. 3,286
St. Mary's Co. 6,091
Somerset Co. 1,576
Talbot Co. 2,560
Washington Co. 5,054
Wicomico Co. 5,480
Worcester Co. 4,248
TOTAL 459,180
% of Total 100%

Edwin MacVaugh, Towson, Baltimore County
Jeffrey N. Pritzker, Towson, Baltimore County

MacVaugh* Pritzker
Allegany Co. 2,720 1,747
Anne Arundel Co. 12,349 13,029
Baltimore City 2,307 1,956
Baltimore Co. 13,899 15,632
Calvert Co. 2,129 1,564
Caroline Co. 570 642
Carroll Co. 5,347 6,409
Cecil Co. 1,974 1,431
Charles Co. 2,379 1,507
Dorchester Co. 832 735
Frederick Co. 5,501 4,579
Garrett Co. 1,724 1,051
Harford Co. 6,649 7,027
Howard Co. 5,192 6,223
Kent Co. 552 666
Montgomery Co. 12,893 12,130
Prince George's Co. 4,604 3,440
Queen Anne's Co. 1,392 1,733
St. Mary's Co. 2,503 1,903
Somerset Co. 590 400
Talbot Co. 1,123 1,309
Washington Co. 2,654 2,333
Wicomico Co. 2,422 1,610
Worcester Co. 1,771 1,181
TOTAL 94,076 90,237
% of Total 51% 49%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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