SEPTEMBER 15, 1998
Registered | Voted at Polls | Voted Absentee | Total Voted | % Voted | |
Allegany Co. | 17,928 | 6,864 | 202 | 7,066 | 39.41% |
Anne Arundel Co. | 117,000 | 40,577 | 921 | 41,498 | 35.47% |
Baltimore City | 235,643 | 70,919 | 1,430 | 72,349 | 30.70% |
Baltimore Co. | 246,887 | 68,568 | 1,488 | 70,056 | 28.38% |
Calvert Co. | 16,595 | 5,970 | 155 | 6,125 | 36.91% |
Caroline Co. | 5,914 | 1,604 | 55 | 1,659 | 28.05% |
Carroll Co. | 29,831 | 8,488 | 307 | 8,795 | 29.48% |
Cecil Co. | 19,747 | 6,630 | 211 | 6,841 | 34.64% |
Charles Co. | 26,073 | 6,000 | 243 | 6,243 | 23.94% |
Dorchester Co. | 9,277 | 4,180 | 133 | 4,313 | 46.49% |
Frederick Co. | 37,537 | 9,415 | 201 | 9,616 | 25.62% |
Garrett Co. | 4,635 | 1,938 | 75 | 2,013 | 43.43% |
Harford Co. | 55,127 | 17,895 | 480 | 18,375 | 33.33% |
Howard Co. | 61,358 | 17,761 | 458 | 18,219 | 29.69% |
Kent Co. | 5,732 | 2,808 | 131 | 2,939 | 51.27% |
Montgomery Co. | 227,863 | 73,632 | 1,853 | 75,485 | 33.13% |
Prince George's Co. | 235,159 | 67,038 | 1,039 | 68,077 | 28.95% |
Queen Anne's Co. | 9,442 | 3,524 | 114 | 3,638 | 38.53% |
St. Mary's Co. | 19,466 | 7,356 | 267 | 7,623 | 39.16% |
Somerset Co. | 6,716 | 1,624 | 37 | 1,661 | 24.73% |
Talbot Co. | 8,483 | 2,547 | 75 | 2,622 | 30.91% |
Washington Co. | 28,132 | 9,839 | 324 | 10,163 | 36.13% |
Wicomico Co. | 21,831 | 5,755 | 133 | 5,888 | 26.97% |
Worcester Co. | 13,796 | 4,363 | 180 | 4,543 | 32.93% |
TOTAL | 1,460,172 | 445,295 | 10,512 | 455,807 | 31.22% |
Source: State Board of Elections
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