Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



SEPTEMBER 15, 1998


Kauko H. Kokkonen, Towson, Baltimore Co.
Ann L. Mallory, Silver Spring, Montgomery Co.
Barbara Ann Mikulski, Baltimore City

Kokkonen Mallory Mikulski*
Allegany Co. 275 824 4,280
Anne Arundel Co. 1,899 4,884 32,801
Baltimore City 2,128 2,559 58,258
Baltimore Co. 9,060 4,635 52,040
Calvert Co. 156 668 4,741
Caroline Co. 62 252 1,190
Carroll Co. 791 1,154 6,388
Cecil Co. 231 1,030 4,895
Charles Co. 230 816 4,775
Dorchester Co. 143 432 2,534
Frederick Co. 302 1,415 7,312
Garrett Co. 74 342 1,340
Harford Co. 1,529 1,938 14,140
Howard Co. 715 1,673 15,363
Kent Co. 79 296 2,247
Montgomery Co. 957 10,832 60,272
Prince George's Co. 2,022 4,804 49,705
Queen Anne's Co. 114 410 2,694
St. Mary's Co. 202 936 5,751
Somerset Co. 39 175 1,243
Talbot Co. 82 277 2,055
Washington Co. 289 1,738 7,200
Wicomico Co. 143 640 4,590
Worcester Co. 136 390 3,568
TOTAL 21,658 43,120 349,382
% of Total 5% 10% 84%

Barry S. Asbury, Parkville, Baltimore Co.
Michael Gloth, Finksburg, Carroll Co.
Howard D. Greyber, Potomac, Montgomery Co.
George Liebmann, Baltimore City
Bradlyn McClanahan, Annapolis, Anne Arundel Co.
Ross Z. Pierpont, Timonium, Baltimore Co.
Thomas Scott, Baltimore, Baltimore Co.
John Stafford, Laurel, Prince George's Co.
John Taylor, Crofton, Anne Arundel Co.
Kenneth Wayman, Ellicott City, Howard Co.

Asbury Gloth Greyber Liebmann McClanahan Pierpont* Scott Stafford Taylor Wayman
Allegany Co. 312 398 296 367 190 733 200 338 372 148
Anne Arundel Co. 307 994 193 1,513 7,468 3,117 992 299 9,984 579
Baltimore City 511 322 80 1,787 121 1,474 281 128 208 173
Baltimore Co. 5,226 3,127 210 1,734 506 8,826 3,972 518 718 607
Calvert Co. 120 199 80 269 544 294 241 143 1,025 233
Caroline Co. 26 84 25 78 128 207 35 56 219 118
Carroll Co. 207 4,007 76 437 171 1,359 358 423 778 4,584
Cecil Co. 208 149 74 316 135 692 164 279 186 357
Charles Co. 204 255 168 411 437 280 207 318 827 521
Dorchester Co. 62 110 36 69 159 249 43 87 191 108
Frederick Co. 564 1,729 763 598 647 1,362 457 1,281 673 2,175
Garrett Co. 192 318 174 321 194 679 278 433 412 506
Harford Co. 1,387 1,439 191 1,071 438 4,519 1,358 609 427 1,083
Howard Co. 249 1,613 265 789 551 1,678 367 6,510 759 514
Kent Co. 66 93 32 131 144 228 63 50 193 142
Montgomery Co. 796 2,818 12,143 2,293 1,193 2,612 837 1,404 1,784 1,487
Prince George's Co. 444 683 620 835 1,294 895 536 763 1,208 518
Queen Anne's Co. 65 141 45 144 473 414 99 55 611 154
St. Mary's Co. 203 209 146 314 326 323 151 255 647 335
Somerset Co. 39 32 25 65 97 146 37 36 75 79
Talbot Co. 81 209 67 181 287 391 83 81 391 216
Washington Co. 352 536 291 408 356 1,278 733 704 574 1,278
Wicomico Co. 154 304 96 201 382 528 125 154 398 395
Worcester Co. 106 157 81 108 198 407 90 107 195 195
TOTAL 11,881 19,926 16,177 14,440 16,439 32,691 11,707 15,031 22,855 16,505
% of Total 7% 11% 9% 8% 9% 18% 7% 8% 13% 9%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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