Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



MARCH 5, 1996



Registered Voted at Polls Voted Absentee Total Voted % Voted
Allegany Co. 17,290 6,054 147 6,201 36%
Anne Arundel Co. 112,132 29,509 458 29,967 27%
Baltimore City 273,068 64,287 1,171 65,458 24%
Baltimore Co. 242,630 48,111 779 48,890 20%
Calvert Co. 15,275 3,840 67 3,907 26%
Caroline Co. 5,942 1,328 32 1,360 23%
Carroll Co. 28,650 4,682 156 4,838 17%
Cecil Co. 18,833 2,737 49 2,786 15%
Charles Co. 23,985 4,588 157 4,745 20%
Dorchester Co. 8,925 1,917 36 1,953 22%
Frederick Co. 34,331 6,382 102 6,484 19%
Garrett Co. 4,390 1,417 44 1,461 33%
Harford Co. 52,767 10,031 273 10,304 20%
Howard Co. 56,100 18,059 434 18,493 33%
Kent Co. 5,473 1,110 27 1,137 21%
Montgomery Co. 220,983 56,605 1,233 57,838 26%
Prince George's Co. 217,078 27,864 783 28,647 13%
Queen Anne's Co. 9,153 2,214 58 2,272 25%
St. Mary's Co. 19,347 3,613 93 3,706 19%
Somerset Co. 6,547 1,087 14 1,101 17%
Talbot Co. 8,097 1,550 46 1,596 20%
Washington Co. 26,132 6,008 211 6,219 24%
Wicomico Co. 21,709 2,962 93 3,055 14%
Worcester Co. 13,139 1,920 66 1,986 15%
TOTAL 1,441,976 307,875 6,529 314,404 22%

Source: State Board of Elections

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