Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



SEPTEMBER 13, 1994


Dennard A. Gayle, Sr., Baltimore City
John B. Liston, Baltimore County
Paul S. Sarbanes, Baltimore City
Leonard E. Trout, Jr., Baltimore City

Gayle Liston Sarbanes* Trout
Allegany Co. 589 493 5,043 180
Anne Arundel Co. 2,448 5,974 31,758 2,388
Baltimore City 7,358 3,438 56,361 2,879
Baltimore Co. 6,029 18,891 58,389 2,739
Calvert Co. 362 382 3,604 227
Caroline Co. 251 558 1,224 74
Carroll Co. 524 1,938 6,895 508
Cecil Co. 760 1,013 3,853 186
Charles Co. 536 1,180 4,777 169
Dorchester Co. 337 367 2,503 171
Frederick Co. 457 986 8,242 779
Garrett Co. 150 169 1,178 75
Harford Co. 773 3,992 14,882 1,159
Howard Co. 620 2,142 18,295 792
Kent Co. 124 251 2,311 244
Montgomery Co. 1,618 3,690 75,359 2,384
Prince George's Co. 5,289 2,798 61,062 2,558
Queen Anne's Co. 332 604 2,099 120
St. Mary's Co. 520 835 5,273 231
Somerset Co. 185 243 1,288 66
Talbot Co. 232 407 1,487 66
Washington Co. 642 784 6,559 734
Wicomico Co. 319 549 5,974 424
Worcester Co. 210 347 3,699 240
TOTAL 30,665 52,031 382,115 19,393
% of Total 6% 11% 79% 4%

Ruthann Aron, Montgomery County
William Brock, Anne Arundel County
Ronald Franks, Queen Anne's County
Howard D. Greyber, Montgomery County
Culver Sprogle Ladd, Jr., Calvert County
Ross Z. Pierpont, Baltimore City
John C. Webb, Jr., Montgomery County

Aron Brock* Franks Greyber Ladd Pierpont Webb
Allegany Co. 1,309 1,988 848 204 190 561 305
Anne Arundel Co. 4,320 16,773 5,512 123 222 977 537
Baltimore City 1,693 2,501 1,038 163 147 1,697 213
Baltimore Co. 7,936 12,597 6,520 705 548 5,059 798
Calvert Co. 712 1,156 528 43 974 106 101
Caroline Co. 314 352 562 39 28 96 46
Carroll Co. 2,570 4,247 2,909 146 265 1,142 856
Cecil Co. 623 650 1,106 112 137 343 82
Charles Co. 1,038 1,758 541 165 1,041 281 442
Dorchester Co. 399 401 540 21 46 123 69
Frederick Co. 2,763 3,577 1,938 317 212 519 948
Garrett Co. 824 775 658 113 114 403 151
Harford Co. 3,391 4,388 3,138 200 223 1,705 434
Howard Co. 3,565 4,776 2,518 218 268 999 720
Kent Co. 210 354 804 11 14 72 28
Montgomery Co. 14,940 13,023 2,447 1,511 250 842 4,753
Prince George's Co. 4,140 5,137 1,674 623 648 834 749
Queen Anne's Co. 297 468 1,493 28 36 80 48
St. Mary's Co. 688 864 383 87 584 168 192
Somerset Co. 196 326 176 28 32 118 22
Talbot Co. 426 1,125 840 32 37 160 50
Washington Co. 2,611 2,664 724 105 143 505 380
Wicomico Co. 981 1,257 978 46 65 269 162
Worcester Co. 423 1,066 338 25 47 247 93
TOTAL 56,369 82,223 38,213 5,065 6,271 17,306 12,179
% of Total 26% 37% 18% 2% 3% 8% 6%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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