Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



SEPTEMBER 13, 1994


Eleanor M. Carey, Baltimore City
J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Baltimore City
Patrick J. Smith, Rockville, Montgomery County

Carey Curran* Smith
Allegany Co. 2,095 2,615 977
Anne Arundel Co. 13,770 23,851 4,296
Baltimore City 24,473 44,116 2,875
Baltimore Co. 29,909 52,066 4,935
Calvert Co. 1,658 1,834 630
Caroline Co. 652 1,148 328
Carroll Co. 3,069 5,549 1,394
Cecil Co. 1,865 2,741 757
Charles Co. 2,133 2,905 963
Dorchester Co. 957 1,756 567
Frederick Co. 3,642 4,394 2,201
Garrett Co. 440 563 334
Harford Co. 6,989 12,024 1,927
Howard Co. 6,832 12,139 2,279
Kent Co. 860 1,559 352
Montgomery Co. 19,601 30,635 29,719
Prince George's Co. 25,796 35,602 4,995
Queen Anne's Co. 1,031 1,733 354
St. Mary's Co. 2,139 3,111 911
Somerset Co. 481 765 224
Talbot Co. 775 1,161 247
Washington Co. 2,779 3,822 1,694
Wicomico Co. 1,967 3,328 1,230
Worcester Co. 1,074 2,572 603
TOTAL 154,987 251,989 64,792
% of Total 33% 53% 14%

Richard D. Bennett, Ruxton, Baltimore County

Allegany Co. 4,298
Anne Arundel Co. 22,140
Baltimore City 4,794
Baltimore Co. 24,824
Calvert Co. 2,330
Caroline Co. 943
Carroll Co. 9,311
Cecil Co. 2,081
Charles Co. 3,583
Dorchester Co. 866
Frederick Co. 8,036
Garrett Co. 2,267
Harford Co. 11,091
Howard Co. 10,667
Kent Co. 1,086
Montgomery Co. 25,308
Prince George's Co. 9,939
Queen Anne's Co. 1,456
St. Mary's Co. 2,292
Somerset Co. 572
Talbot Co. 1,722
Washington Co. 5,294
Wicomico Co. 2,900
Worcester Co. 1,674
TOTAL 159,474
% of Total 100%

* = winner

Source: State Board of Elections

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