![[photo, Jamin B. (Jamie) Raskin, U.S. Representative, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/05sen/images/1198-1-1584b.jpg)
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Member of U.S. House of Representatives since January 3, 2017. Senior Whip, 2019-. Member, Judiciary Committee, 2017- (constitution & civil justice subcommittee, 2017-18; crime, terrorism, homeland security & investigation subcommittee, 2017-18; immigration & border security subcommittee, 2017-18; antitrust, commercial, & administrative law subcommittee, 2019-; vice-chair, constitution, civil rights, & civil liberties subcommittee, 2019-); Oversight and Reform Committee, 2019- (government operations subcommittee, 2019-; chair, civil rights & civil liberties subcommittee, 2019-). Vice-Chair, House Administration Committee, 2019- (member, 2017-18; joint committee on printing, 2017-18). Member, Rules Committee, 2019- (chair, expedited procedures subcommittee, 2019-); House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis, 2020-. Member, Oversight and Government Reform Committee, 2017-19. Member, Oversight and Government Reform Committee, 2017-19 (intergovernmental affairs subcommittee, 2017-18; interior, energy & environment subcommittee, 2017-18). Vice-Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus, 2017-. Senior Whip, House Democratic Caucus, 2017-. Member, House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee, 2017-. Vice-Chair, House Democracy Reform Task Force, 2017-. Vice-Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus, 2017-.
Member of Senate, representing District 20 (Montomgery County), January 10, 2007 to November 10, 2016. Resigned November 10, 2016. Member, Judicial Proceedings Committee, 2007-16; Joint Committee on the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area, 2007-16; Joint Committee on Federal Relations, 2007-16; Joint Committee on Legislative Ethics, 2007-16 (senate chair, 2015-16). Member, Task Force to Study Court Decision regarding Pit Bulls, 2012. Co-Chair, Work Group to Review Disclosure Requirements of the Public Ethics Law, 2012-13. Chair, Senate Special Committee on Ethics Reform, 2012-13. Majority Whip, 2012-16. Chair, Executive Nominations Committee, 2015-16. Member, Public Safety and Policing Work Group, 2015-16. Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (state coordinator, legislators' back-to-school program, 2007-16). Senate Chair, Montgomery County Delegation, 2011-14 (vice-chair, 2008-11). Member, National Conference of State Legislatures (law & criminal justice committee); Southern Legislative Conference (education committee, 2008-16).
Co-Chair, Maryland Clean Car and Energy Policy Task Force, 2007-10. Member, State Advisory Council on Administrative Hearings, 2007-16. Member, Commission on Civic Literacy, 2007-12; Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment, 2008; Attorney General's Advisory Committee on Campaign Finance, 2010-11; Maryland Medical Marijuana Model Program Work Group, 2011-12; Task Force on Juvenile Court Jurisdiction, 2013-14. Co-Chair, Task Force to Study Food Allergy Awareness, Food Safety, and Food Service Facility Letter-Grading, 2013-14.
Assistant Attorney General, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1987-89.
Former member, Hate Crimes Commission, Montgomery County. Former member, Gun Policy Task Force, City of Takoma Park; Redistricting Task Force, City of Takoma Park, 1990.
Chair, State Higher Education Labor Relations Board, 2001-05.
Born in Washington, DC, December 13, 1962. Attended Georgetown Day High School, Washington DC; Harvard College, B.A. (government), magna cum laude, 1983. Benjamin A. Trustman Travelling Fellowship, Harvard University, 1983-84. Harvard Law School, J.D., magna cum laude, 1987 (editor, Harvard Law Review). Teaching Fellow, Government Department, Harvard University, 1985-87. Admitted to Massachusetts Bar, 1987; District of Columbia Bar, 1993; Maryland Bar, 1995. General Counsel, National Rainbow Coalition, 1989-90. Professor of Law, Washington College of Law, The American University, 1990-2017 (associate dean, faculty & academic affairs, 1994-96). Founder and director, Marshall-Brennan Fellowship Program, The American University, 1999-. Visiting Professor, Institut D'Etudes Sciences Politique, Paris, France, 2003-04. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 2004, 2008. Board of Directors, FairVote, The Center for Voting and Democracy, 2006. Author, We the Students: Supreme Court Cases for and about Students (2000); Overruling Democracy: The Supreme Court versus the American People (2003); Youth Justice in America (2005). Scholar-Teacher of the Year, American University, 2000-01. Maryland Public Policy Conflict Resolution Fellow, Center for Dispute Resolution, University of Maryland School of Law, 2012. Young Leader, French-American Foundation, 2000-02. Distinguished Service Award, American Humanist Association, 2008. Henry W. Edgerton Civil Liberties Award, American Civil Liberties Union, 2011. Legislator of the Year Award, Maryland Access to Justice Commission, 2012. Legislator of the Year, Maryland Chapter, American College of Cardiology, 2016. Legislator of the Year, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, 2016. Visionary Award, Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault, 2017. Impact Award, Ayuda, 2017. Married; three children.
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