Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger III,
U.S. Representative (Maryland)] C. A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER III (Democrat), U.S. Representative, 2nd Congressional District (parts of Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Harford & Howard counties, & Baltimore City), Maryland.

Capitol Hill:
2206 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 - 2002
(202) 225-3061, toll free: 1-800-877-8339 (voice/tty); fax: (202) 225-3094

Baltimore County:
The Atrium, Suite 200
375 West Padonia Road, Timonium, MD 21093
(410) 628-2701, 1-877-727-6802 (toll free); fax: (410) 628-2708
1-800-877-8339 (voice/tty, toll free); fax: (410) 628-2708

Member of U.S. House of Representatives since January 7, 2003. Member, Appropriations Committee, 2007-11, 2015- (financial services & general government subcommittee, 2007-08; commerce, justice, science & related agencies subcommittee, 2007-11; legislative branch subcommittee, 2007-11, 2019-; homeland security subcommittee, 2009-11, 2019-; defense subcommittee, 2015-; state, foreign operations & related programs subcommittee, 2015-19). Member, Government Reform Committee, 2003-06; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, 2003-14 (ranking minority member, 2011-14; oversight & investigations subcommittee, 2005-14; terrorism, human intelligence, analysis & counterintelligence subcommittee, 2007-08; chair, technical & tactical intelligence subcommittee, 2007-11); Armed Services Committee, 2011-12 (emerging threats & capabilities subcommittee, 2011-12; strategic forces subcommittee, 2011-12); Oversight and Government Reform Committee, 2015-17. Member, House Democractic Steering and Policy Committee, 2003-. Co-Chair, Congressional Port Security Caucus, 2005-.

Chair, Board of Visitors, U.S. Naval Academy, 2020- (member, 2007-).

County Executive, Baltimore County, December 2, 1994 to December 2, 2002. Board of Directors, Baltimore Metropolitan Council, 1994-2002. Board of Visitors, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, University of Maryland Medical System, 1994-. Member, Maryland Comprehensive Transit Plan Transit Advisory Panel, 1998-99; Advisory Council for Port Land-Use Development, 1998-2002; Drought Emergency Coordinating Committee, 1999.

Member, County Council, Baltimore County, representing 3rd Councilmanic District, 1986-94 (past chair). Member, Charter Review Commission, Baltimore County, 1990; Governor's Commission on Emergency Medical Services, 1992.

Assistant State's Attorney, Baltimore County, 1972-80 (former chief, investigative division).

Resident of Cockeysville. Born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 31, 1946. Baltimore City College; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Baltimore School of Law, J.D., 1970. Admitted to Maryland Bar, 1970. Law clerk to Judge Kenneth C. Proctor, Baltimore County Circuit Court, 3rd Judicial Circuit, 1970-72. Attorney. Partner, Ruppersberger, Clark & Mister, 1980-94. Board of Directors, Maryland Association of Counties (president, 1996). Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. Charter member, Board of Directors, Economic Alliance of Greater Baltimore. Member, U.S. Lacrosse Team, 1967. Outstanding Young Marylander, Cockeysville-Timonium Jaycees, 1979. Certificate of Appreciation, Baltimore County Police Department, 1980. Lacrosse Award, Cockeysville Recreation Council, 1983. Award for Outstanding Contributions to Education, Teachers Association of Baltimore County, 1991. Regional Visionary Award, Greater Baltimore Committee, 1997. Freddie Distinguished Achievement Award for "Operation Hero Miles," Inside Flyer magazine, 2004. Service Award, United Service Organizations (USO), 2004. Navigator Award, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, 2006. Best of Congress Award, Working Mother Magazine, 2008, 2009, 2010. Vision Award, National Association of School Resources, 2009. Parren J. Mitchell Political Award, Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Baltimore, 2009. Leadership Award, National District Attorneys' Association, 2009. Breaking Barriers Award, Maryland Disability Law Center, 2010. Legislative Leader Award, Humane Society of the United States, 2010. Congressional Champion of the Wounded Warrior Award, Wounded Warrior Project, 2010. Congressional Leadership Award, American College of Emergency Physicians, 2011. Friend of the National Parks Award, National Parks Conservation Association, 2011, 2013. American Financial Leadership Award, Financial Services Roundtable, 2012. Cyber Champion Award, Software Alliance, 2012. Dave McCurdy Internet Security Award, Internet Security Alliance, 2012. Humane Advocate Award, Humane Society of the United States, 2013. Distinguished Citizen Award, University of Maryland, 2014. Congressional Tech Leader Award, TechAmerica, 2014. National Park Heritage Award, National Parks Conservation Association, 2015. William Oliver Baker Award, Intelligence and National Security Alliance, 2015. County Alumni Award, National Association of Counties, 2015. Advocate of the Year Award, Tech Council of Maryland, 2016. Decoration for Distinguished Civilian Service Award, U.S. Army, 2017. President's Award, National League of Cities, 2018. Dream Keepers Award, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Committee, Inc., 2019. Married; two children, three grandchildren.

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