Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

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[photo, Barbara A. Mikulski, U.S. Senator (Maryland)] BARBARA A. MIKULSKI (Democrat)
U.S. Senator from Maryland, 1987-2017

Member of U.S. Senate, January 3, 1987 to January 3, 2017.

Chair, Appropriations Committee, December 20, 2012 to January 6, 2015 (vice-chair, January 2015 to January 3, 2017; chair, veterans affairs, department of housing & urban development, & independent agencies subcommittee, 2001-02; chair, commerce, justice, science, & related agencies subcommittee, 2007-15).

Member, Appropriations Committee, 1987-2017 (defense subcommittee, 2005-; state, foreign operations, & related programs subcommittee, 2005-; transportation, housing & urban development, & related agencies subcommittee, 2007-; labor, health & human services, education, & related agencies subcommittee, 2011-; foreign operations subcommittee, 1987, 2003-05; treasury & general government subcommittee, 1987-2002; transportation & related agencies subcommittee, 1989-2002; commerce, justice, state & the judiciary subcommittee, 1997-2005, senior democrat, 2005; transportation, treasury & general government subcommittee, 2003-05; transportation, treasury, the judiciary, & housing & urban development subcommittee, 2005-06; homeland security subcommittee, 2005-10; interior, environment, & related agencies subcommittee, 2007-11).

Member, Ethics Study Commission, 1993-96; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (formerly Labor & Human Resources Committee), 1999-2017 (chair, children & families subcommittee, 2011-17; chair, aging subcommittee, 2001, member, 1993-2006; member, public health & safety subcommittee, 1997-2001; member, bioterrorism & public health preparedness subcommittee, 2006; member, employment & workplace safety subcommittee, 2007-11; chair, retirement security & aging subcommittee, 2007-08; chair, retirement & aging subcommittee, 2009-11); Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 2001-17 (task force on cyber security, 2010). Member, Secretary, Democratic Conference, 1995-2004.

Member, Bainbridge Re-Use Advisory Committee, 1996-97; Transit Task Force, Montgomery County, 2015.

Member, U.S. House of Representatives, representing 3rd Congressional District, 1977-87. Member, Energy and Commerce Committee, 1977-87; Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, 1977-87. Executive Committee, Congressional Women's Caucus.

Member, Baltimore City Council, 1971-76.

Born in Baltimore, Maryland, July 20, 1936. Attended Institute of Notre Dame, Baltimore; Mount Saint Agnes College, B.A. (sociology), 1958; University of Maryland School of Social Work, M.S.W., 1965. Author, lecturer, teacher, social worker. Professor of Public Policy and Adviser to President, The Johns Hopkins University, 2017-. Former social worker, Associated Catholic Charities (Catholic Charities of Baltimore); Baltimore Department of Social Services (assistant chief of community organizing). Former adjunct professor, Department of Sociology, Loyola College. Chair, Democratic Party Commission on Delegate Selection and Party Structure, 1973. Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate seat in Maryland, 1974. Consultant, National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs. Delegate, International Women's Year Conference, 1980. Member, National Organization for Women and National Women's Political Caucus. Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012. Co-Chair, Hillary Rodham Clinton National Presidential Campaign, 2007-. Member, Steering Committee, I-81 Corridor Coalition. Board of Trustees, Baltimore Community Foundation, 2017-. Co-author, Capitol Offense (1996); Capitol Venture (1997). Honorary Board, Maryland Women's Heritage Center.

Maryland Women's Hall of Fame, 1988. Lester Levy Humanitarian Award, Associated Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore, 1993. Charles Dick Medal of Merit, National Guard Association of the U.S., 1994. Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, The Johns Hopkins University, 1995. Named Most Trustworthy Politician, Baltimore Magazine, 1996. Baltimore's Extraordinary Technology Advocate Award, Greater Baltimore Committee, 1996. Baltimore Zionist District Justice Louis D. Brandeis Award, Baltimore Zionists, 1996. Certificate of Appreciation, National Board of Hadassah, 1996. Certificate of Appreciation, Federated Asian Pacific American Council, 1996. Maryland's Top 100 Women, Daily Record, 1997, 2000, 2007 (Circle of Excellence). Award of Excellence, Human Industry Manufacturers Association, 1998. Award of Appreciation, American Heart Association, 1999. Lifetime Achievement Award, Maryland Chapter, Arthritis Foundation, 1999. Bay Saving Excellence Award, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 2000. Visionary for Women's Health Award, National Institutes of Health, 2000. Order of Merit, Republic of Poland, 2001 (Poland's most prestigious award to a civilian not a head of state). Whitney M. Young, Jr. Memorial Award, Baltimore Urban League, 2002. Connie Mack Award for Lifetime Achievement, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, 2003. Pioneer Award, Maryland Waterman's Association, 2003. Friend of the National Parks Award, National Parks Conservation Association, 2003. Warren E. Pearse Lifetime Achievement Award, Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, 2003. Unsung Hero Award, American Legion, 2004. Chesapeake Appreciation Award, Oyster Recovery Partnership, 2004. Public Service Award, Emergency Nurses Association, 2004. Outstanding Leadership Award, American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2004. Community Service Award, Montgomery County Chapter, National Organization for Women, 2004. Public Service Award, Americans for Nursing Shortage Relief, 2005. Public Service Award, American College of Nurses-Midwives, 2005. Certificate of Excellence, National Breast Cancer Coalition, 2005. Commander's Award for Public Service, U.S. Department of the Army, 2005. Frederick L. Zimmerman Award, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 2005. National Leadership Award, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, 2005. Advocacy Award, Easter Seals Greater Washington-Baltimore Region, 2005. Humane Advocate Award, The Humane Society, 2005. Myra Hill Partnership in Care Award, Greater Baltimore HIV Health Services Planning Council, 2006. Distinguished Public Service Award, Digestive Disease National Coalition, 2006. Friend of the Synagogue Award, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, 2006. Coastal Steward Award, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, 2006. The Barbara A. Mikulski Baltimore Workforce Investment Award, Baltimore Mayor's Office of Employment Development, 2006. Top 100 Women, Washingtonian Magazine, 2006. Business Champion of the Year Award, Professional Landcare Network, 2006. Woodstock Leadership Program Award, Woodstock Job Corps Center, 2006. Award, American Jewish Committee, 2006. Award for continued support of access to legal aid for low-income Americans, Legal Services Corporation and American Bar Association, 2006. One of the Best Senators for Children, Children's Defense Fund Action Council, 2007. Honorary Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, 2007. Distinguished Community Health Superhero, National Association of Community Health Centers, 2007, 2009. Friend of Glen Echo Park Award, Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture, 2008. Space Leadership Award, Federation of Galaxy Explorers, 2008. Fannie Lou Hamer Award, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Awards Committee, 2009. National Education Service Award, American Association of Community Colleges & Association of Community College Trustees, 2009. Health Care Leadership Award, American Optometric Association, 2009. President's Award, American Podiatric Medical Association, 2009. Distinguished Leadership Award, Lupus Foundation of America, 2009. John V. Kabler Memorial Award, Maryland League of Conservation Voters, 2009. Lifetime Achievement Award, Fullwood Foundation, 2009. Inductee, National Women's Hall of Fame, 2011. Harriet Ross Tubman Lifetime Achievement Award, African-American Tourism Council of Maryland, 2012. Honored by U.S. Senate in March 2012 for being longest-serving woman in U.S. Congress. Edwin C. Whitehead Award for Medical Research Advocacy, Research! America, 2012. Wings of Liberty Award, Aerospace Industries Association, 2013. Champion of Public Broadcasting Award, Association of Public Television Stations, 2013. Perry A. Lambird Memorial Excellence in Medicine Award, 2013. Congressional Leadership Award, American Jewish Committee, 2013. John J. Chafee Environmental Excellence Award, Association of American Railroads, 2014. Alice Award, National Woman's Party, 2014. Distinguished Service Award, American Logistics Association, 2014. Morris H. Blum Humanitarian Award, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Awards Committee, 2014. 50 Women to Watch, Baltimore Sun Magazine, 2014. W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award, National Democratic Institute, 2015. Howard (Pete) Rawlings Courage in Public Service Award, Greater Baltimore Committee, 2015. Distinguished Public Service Award, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 2015. Distinguished Public Service Award, U.S. Coast Guard, 2015. Veterans Champion Award, Disabled American Veterans, 2015. Presidential Medal of Freedom, 2015. Excellence in Public Service Award, Population Association of America, 2016. Lifetime Achievement Award, Teach for America, 2016. Lifetime Achievement Award, National Partnership for Women and Families, 2016. Public Policy, Legislator of the Year, National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity, 2016. Lifetime Distinguished Service Award, Mental Health Association of Maryland, 2017. Hall of Fame, Baltimore Sun, 2017. Icon Honors, Daily Record, 2018.

Honorary degrees from Pratt Institute, New York, 1974; Hood College; Goucher College, 1991; and the Johns Hopkins University, 1995. Honorary law degrees from Bowie State University, 1989; Morgan State University, 1990; University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1991; University of Baltimore, 1992.

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