Chair: Joseph Thomas, Director, Sussex County Emergency Management AgencyDelaware members: A. J. Schall, Director, Emergency Management Agency.
Maryland members: Edward Werkheiser, Regional Administrator, Lower Eastern Shore; William Hildebrand, Regional Administrator, Upper Eastern Shore; Maryland Emergency Management Agency; John W. (Billy) Birch, Jr., Director, Worcester County Dept. of Emergency Services.
Virginia member: T. Stewart Baker, Hurricane Program Manager, Dept. of Emergency Management; Douglas Jones, Director, Public Safety & Emergency Management, Accomack County.
Staff: Caryn Bennett
c/o Delaware Emergency Management Agency
165 Brick Store Landing Road, Smyrna, Delaware 19977
(302) 659-3362
The Delmarva Emergency Task Force works to ensure that all jurisdictions on the Delmarva peninsula are prepared for hazards, including natural disasters, such as hurricanes, tropical storms, and nor'easters; and man-made disasters involving weapons of mass destruction, or chemical and biological agents. State, county and municipal emergency management personnel from all of Delaware, Maryland's nine Eastern Shore counties, and the two Virginia counties on the peninsula plan together for a coordinated regional response, including effective communications, resource sharing, shelter and evacuation strategies, and recovery plans.
The Steering Committee coordinates the work of the Task Force, which meets quarterly. One state and one local government representative from each participating state constitute the Steering Committee. Five work groups address specific issues: Communications; Education and Planning; Exercise Design and Evaluation; Protective Action; and Resources and Recovery.
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