Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Town Hall, 101 Lawyers' Row, Centreville, Maryland]


1948 Frank Draper
1950 J. Grant Yates, Sr.
1951-1952 Charles M. Jump
1952-1954 Thomas H. Davis
1954-1956 Royden N. Powell, Sr.

Town Hall, 101 Lawyers' Row, Centreville, Maryland, October 2006. Photo by Diane F. Evartt.

1956-1958 William E. Price
1958-1961 Spencer C. Hammond
1961-1970 William E. Price
1970-1977 Herbert O. Kaufman
1977-1980 F. Dudley Benton 1980-1983 Daniel T. Cannon
1983-1986 F. Dudley Benton
1986-1989 Elizabeth P. Ford
1989-1992 Robert E. Williams
1992-1995 Sara Jane Davidson
1995-1997 Jeremiah R. Schram
1997-1998 Florance R. Walls
1998-2000 Sara Jane Davidson
2000-2001 Florance R. Walls
2001-2002 Sara Jane Davidson
2002-2003 Donna S. Turner
2003-2004 Michael C. Whitehill
2004-2005 Norman P. Pinder, Jr.
2005-2006 Donna S. Turner
2006-2007 Mary T. McCarthy
2007-2008 Norman P. Pinder, Jr.
2008-2010 Frank C. Ogens
2010-2011 Norman P. Pinder, Jr.
2011-2012 Timothy E. McCluskey
2012-2013 Frank C. Ogens
2013-2015 George C. (Smokey) Sigler
2015-2016 Timothy E. McCluskey
2016-2017 George C. (Smokey) Sigler
2017-2018 Timothy E. McCluskey
2018-2020 James A. Beauchamp
2020- Jeffrey C. Morgan

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