MICHAEL T. DIFFENDAL, Chief Judge (Republican)
- Orphans' Court
Courthouse, Room 102, One West Market St., Snow Hill, MD 21863 - 1074
(410) 632-1529; fax: (410) 632-5600
Chief Judge, Orphans' Court, Worcester County, since March 22, 2019 (Judge, Oct. 7, 2016 to March 22, 2019).
Member, Board of Appeals, Worcester County, 2008-10; Technical Review Committee, Worcester County, 2011-13. Chair, Planning Commission, Worcester County, 2016- (member, 2010-).
Born in Maryland, 1955. University of Baltimore, B.S. (business & finance), 1978. Businessman and developer. Vice-President of Development, Gudelsky Group, 1993-2007. Co-owner and founding partner, Sunset Grille and Micky Fins, 2004-07. Partner and treasurer, Full Moon Saloon, 2015-. Treasurer, Ocean City Marlin Club, 2011-. Member, Finance Committee, 2012-, and Planning and Strategy Committee, 2013-, Atlantic General Hospital.
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