Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Jason A. Malott, Register of Wills, Washington County, Maryland] JASON A. MALOTT, Register of Wills (Democrat)

Register of Wills, Washington County, since December 1, 2010. Deputy Register of Wills, Novermber 1999 to 2007, and Chief Deputy Register of Wills, 2007 to November 30, 2010, Washington County.

Deputy Clerk, Circuit Court, Washington County, August 1989 to November 1999. Member, Board of Election Supervisors, Washington County, 1993-95.

Born in Hagerstown, Maryland, November 21, 1969. Attended Williamsport High School, Williamsport, Maryland; Hagerstown Junior College, A.A., 1990; Shepherd University. Board of Directors, Mental Health Center of Western Maryland, 1999-2005. Member, Maryland Association of the Judges of the Orphans' Court, 2010-13. Secretary, Maryland Register of Wills Association, 2016- (member, 2010-; automation committee; probate review committee). Member, Washington County Democratic Central Committee, 2006-10. Board of Directors, Hospice of Washington County, 2018-; Washington County Historical Society, 2018-. Member, Parent-Teacher Association, Springfield Middle School; Parent Guild, Barbara Ingram School for the Arts. Member, Post no. 202 (Williamsport), Sons of American Legion; Conococheague Tribe no. 84 (Williamsport), Improved Order of Red Men. Member, Downsville Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Williamsport, Maryland. Married; two children.

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