Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



[photo, Ronald E. (Pete) Lesher, Jr., County Council, Talbot County, Maryland] RONALD E. (PETE) LESHER, JR., Member, County Council (Democrat)

Member, County Council, Talbot County, since December 3, 2018.

Member, Board of Health, Talbot County, 2018-. Member, Library Board, Talbot County, 2019-. Member, Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee, Talbot County Public Schools.

Member, Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2018-.

Member, Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, 2013-18; Maryland Humanities Council, 2014-.

Chair, Historic District Commission, St. Michaels, 1996, 2001-18 (member, 1995-96, 1998-2018).

Member, Town Council, Easton, 2009-18. Past member, Easton Historic District Commission.

Born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College, A.B. (history) with honors, 1990; Columbia University, M.A. (history), 1992. Chief Curator, Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, 2010- (curator, 1991-2004; curator of collections, 2004-10). Board of Directors, Museum Small Craft Association, 1997-2000, 2002-08 (secretary, 1999-2000; president, 2002-04, 2007-08); Talbot Historical Society, 2000-07 (chair, collections committee, 2001-07). Accreditation peer reviewer, American Alliance of Museums, 2000-. Past president, Eastern Shore Association of Municipalities. Den Leader, Cub Scout Pack no. 190, Easton. Past council president, Grace Lutheran Church, Easton, Maryland. Married; two children.

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