![[photo, Charles F. (Chuck) Callahan III, County Council, Talbot County, Maryland]](/msa/mdmanual/36loc/ta/leg/images/1198-1-09615b.jpg)
Courthouse, 11 North Washington St., Easton, MD 21601
(410) 770-8001; fax: (410) 770-8010
e-mail: ccallahan@talbotcountymd.gov
web: www.talbotcountymd.gov/index.php?page=county_council
Vice-President, County Council, Talbot County, since December 3, 2018 (member since Dec. 1, 2014).
Member, Board of Health, Talbot County, 2014-; Local Emergency Planning Committee, Talbot County. Alternate member, Solar Array Committee, Talbot County, 2016-.
1st Vice-Chair, Mid-Shore Regional Council, 2018- (member, 2018-; 3rd vice-chair, 2018-19).
Born in Talbot County, Maryland, 1966. Graduated Easton High School, Easton , Maryland, 1985. Small business owner, West and Callahan, Inc.; Eastern Millwork, Inc.; Energy Savers, LLC. Life member, Easton Volunteer Fire Department. Member, Easton Elks Lodge no. 1622. Ice hockey coach. Maryland State Gymnastics Champion, 1978, 1980.
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