Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Joseph J. Gamble, Sheriff, Talbot County, Maryland] JOSEPH J. GAMBLE, Sheriff (Republican)

Sheriff, Talbot County, since December 2, 2014.

Member, Narcotics Task Force, Talbot County, 2014-; Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Talbot County, 2014-. Member, Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission, 2016-. Chair, Drug Task Force, Talbot County, 2017-. Member, Noise Ordinance Task Force, Talbot County, 2018-.

Former Regional Commander and Commander, Homicide Unit, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Maryland State Police (trooper, 1987-93; criminal investigator, 1993-96; undercover trooper, drug task force, 1996-97). Former designee, Secretary of State Police, State Child Fatality Review Team, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Towson State University, B.S., 1986. Graduate of National Sheriff's Institute, 2015. President, Easton High School Support Our Sports/Warrior Club, 2005-12. Member, Ducks Unlimited. Coach (lacrosse), Easton High School, 2006-. Member, First Wesleyan Church of Easton. Married; four children.

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