Maryland Manual On-Line, 2020

July 31, 2020

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual




[photo, Dallas G. Pope, Sheriff, Talbot County] DALLAS G. POPE
Sheriff (Republican), 2002-14

Sheriff, Talbot County, December 2002 to December 2, 2014.

Member, Narcotics Task Force, Talbot County, 2002-14; Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, Talbot County, 2004-14; Correctional Training Commission, 2006-07; Police Training Commission, 2006-07; Task Force to Combat Driving under the Influence of Drugs and Alcohol, 2007-08.

Community College of the Air Force, A.A. (aeronautical science); Chesapeake College, A.A.; University of Maryland, B.S. (business administration); National Sheriffs' Institute. Served in U.S. Air Force, U.S. Air Force Reserve. Retired Major, Maryland State Police. Former Commander, Easton Barracks, and Southern Region Field Operations Bureau, Maryland State Police. Member, Maryland Sheriffs' Association, 2002- (president, 2006-07); National Sheriffs' Association (training & education committee). Member, Criminal Justice Program Advisory Committee, Wor-Wic Community College. Board of Directors, Harvard Associates in Police Science, Inc. (chair, 2009-10). Assistant Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America.

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